Term 4 Keynote STEAM (STEAM with Miss Mauga)


Something I learnt about Keynote

For STEAM Term 4 I chose to learn about keynote and animation with Miss Mauga, I learned lots of new things about keynote like textured writing which is a text with a photo as the colour. The textured writing added more decoration to my keynote animation.

What is in my Keynote

My keynote is about Plants, in Term 3 each Tui learned about a STEAM topic, and my Tui (Tui 3) learned about plants. My keynote consists of 5 slides about plants which are: Plants, flowers, seeds, parts and pollinators. My keynote also has a slide about Kaitiakitanga which shows how the world revolves around nature and how we can be protectors of our environment like how just turning off a light when you leave the room will help.

Something I need to do better in Keynote

What I think I need to do better on is working on my animations. When i record my animations are delayed which means they will run fast or they will just there.

My Keynote

Diamanté Poetry

A diamanté poem consists of 7 lines. The poem is shaped like a diamond. The first line of the poem is made of a noun (or the topic), the second line of the poem consists of 2 adjectives, the third line has 3 verbs, the fourth line has 4 nouns (2 being related to the topic word, and 2 being related to the synonym of antonym of the topic), the fifth line has 3 verbs (related to the antonym or synonym of the topic word), the sixth line is made of 2 adjectives, and the seventh line is made of one noun which is usually the antonym of synonym of the topic word.

Here Is My Favourite Diamanté Poem:


Week 3: Limerick Poetry

A Limerick has 5 lines and it has rhyming words. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other. 3rd and 4th lines rhyme with each other (line 3) fog (line 4) bog. Limericks have a bouncy and fun rhythm which is caused by the rhyming. Limericks have line schemes (AABBA) which show that the lines with A rhyme and the line with B rhyme.

Acrostic Poetry

There are 5 types of acrostic poems. Golden shovel poem, Telestich, Double acrostic, The Mesotic,  and Abecedarian poem. In the  most common types of acrostic poems, the first letters of each sentence spells a word that you choose vertically. Some acrostic poems have the letters in the middle capitalised and some of them have them at the end only and a double acrostic has them on the start and the end of the poem.

Here are some of the acrostic poems I have done.

Fantastic fires filling the sky with smoke and lights,

Incredible colours fusing together to create a rainbow,

Remembering great times with friends or family,

Every spark flys high and explodes like a shooting star,

Wishing for things you most desire,

Rings of fire bloom in the sky,

Kaleidoscopes dazzling year after year,

Swelling smokes with different shapes explode into outer space!


Rays of sunlight shine so bright,

All colours in full flight,

In the sky they stretch and play,

Never ending colours lead the way,

Bright and bold they can always stay,

Over hills, rivers and trees,

Waves of colours drift with ease



Cinquain Poetry

A cinquain poem has 2 different types. Syllables and Just words. There are 5 phrases in a cinquain poem. Each line has the same amount of words as the sentence ex: (line 1) Unicorn (line 2) white, majestic and so on. The first line of a cinquain poem is the topic you’re creating about, the second line describes the topic using adjectives, the third line has 3 words that  are verbs that the topic does and they usually end with a -ing, the fourth line has four words that show emotion about the topic of the poem, and the last line has one word that is a synonym of the topic. Here is a cinquain poem I have created:

(Line 1) Nature, (line 2) Greenery, flowers (line 3) drizzling,hiking,camping, (line 4), flowers flourishing in wild, (line 5) Forest


STEAM Week 9

My tomato plant has grown 9cm! It is now 15cm. It has 17 leaves (2 of which are still growing) It has spiky things on the bottom of the plant and the white hairs are getting long. My plant is green with hints of red. This is how my plant looks:

I have learnt that if we water and treat our plants daily (When they need it) that it will grow very healthy and tall. If we don’t look after our plant, it will die (thats what happened to mine). Instead of watering it every 2-3 days. I will water everyday and check on it. It is good to add some gladwrap on your seed after you plant it to create a greenhouse. It keeps the plant moist.


So the terrible news is that my plant has been cut off. I have a tomato plant and a basil now and this is how it looks: my tomato is 6cm and my basil is 0.5cm. The red stem on the tomato plant has little white spikes and they disappear when you water it. The leaves have also grown spikes and i have 15 leaves! Here is my tomato plant:

Today for Steam we did some art and crafts. We had a variety of materials to use to create a beautiful piece of artwork. You could choose how it can look, but it has to incorporate plants. You can do diagrams, the life cycle of a plant or a plant drawing. Some people in my class used newspaper to create a piece of art. Here is how mines looks:

Im also creating another piece with my friend Claudia and this is our inspo.

STEAM Week 6/7

This week we learned more about photosynthesis about plants. We drew a diagram of a plant and showed how it creates its food and helps the world.

Photosynthesis is the process of plants creating food and energy. They use their leaves to produce this.

STEAM Week 5

This week for STEAM we tried 2 experiments.

Can Plants Grow without the Perfect Environment?

First one was testing if plants can grow without stuff. We planted the plants and each one had something removed like we did one that will get no heat, one that will get too much water, one that will get no drainage, and one that will get placed in a cupboard (Dark place)


What Will Happen If you Add celery into Dyed Water?

Next experiment was changing the colour of celery. You may know this from how water+ food colouring changes the colour of a white flower, but how about celery? Here is how we did it. First we measured 1/2 cup of water into a glass jar. Then we added 15 drops of red food colouring and placed the celery in. The celery first felt wobbly and soft and the leaves were dying and crumbling.

We left it over night and the results were crazy! The celery was stiff, very firm and was standing straight. The celery sucked up the dyed water and had lines of red on the celery. We poured the cup into the measuring cup and measured how much water was in. It was still half so im pretty sure we did it slightly wrong.

Here are some before/After photos of our celery


STEAM Week 1

Plant Facts:


  • More than 85% of plant life is found in the ocean.
  • More than 20% of the world’s oxygen supply is produced by the Amazon Rainforest.
  • French fries would be healthier if the skin is left on it as all the nutrients are in its skin.
  • Bananas contain a natural chemical that makes people feel happy.