STEAM Week 6/7

This week we learned more about photosynthesis about plants. We drew a diagram of a plant and showed how it creates its food and helps the world.

Photosynthesis is the process of plants creating food and energy. They use their leaves to produce this.

STEAM Week 5

This week for STEAM we tried 2 experiments.

Can Plants Grow without the Perfect Environment?

First one was testing if plants can grow without stuff. We planted the plants and each one had something removed like we did one that will get no heat, one that will get too much water, one that will get no drainage, and one that will get placed in a cupboard (Dark place)


What Will Happen If you Add celery into Dyed Water?

Next experiment was changing the colour of celery. You may know this from how water+ food colouring changes the colour of a white flower, but how about celery? Here is how we did it. First we measured 1/2 cup of water into a glass jar. Then we added 15 drops of red food colouring and placed the celery in. The celery first felt wobbly and soft and the leaves were dying and crumbling.

We left it over night and the results were crazy! The celery was stiff, very firm and was standing straight. The celery sucked up the dyed water and had lines of red on the celery. We poured the cup into the measuring cup and measured how much water was in. It was still half so im pretty sure we did it slightly wrong.

Here are some before/After photos of our celery


STEAM Week 1

Plant Facts:


  • More than 85% of plant life is found in the ocean.
  • More than 20% of the world’s oxygen supply is produced by the Amazon Rainforest.
  • French fries would be healthier if the skin is left on it as all the nutrients are in its skin.
  • Bananas contain a natural chemical that makes people feel happy.

STEAM Week 4

This week for STEAM we learned about the inside of a seed. There are 3 main parts of a seed: the seed coat protects the insides of the seed and uses a special chemical to inform where to start sprouting. The embryo carries the baby plant for when it is ready germinate. The endosperm storages food for the embryo to eat as it cannot make itself food from sunlight yet. We got to cut up a seed and see the insides of the seed. We had to draw and label each part.
Do you remember the plant I planted? My cucumber sprouted! First plant was 5.5cm and the second plant was 5cm.

We have planted a seed and observing it as it grows. Please see my slide to checkout my plants life MY PLANT PROGRESS 


This week for STEAM we learned about the structure and parts of a plant when it grows. This week was pretty fun as we got to look at a leaf from underneath a microscope. You could see the leaf”s veins, skeleton and markings on the leaf. We even got to plant our own plant! I chose to do a cucumber plant and some basil. We first wrote our name, type of plant and date on our cup and then we filled our cup with 3/4 of rich black soil (which is great for the plant to grow faster). We got our seeds and placed them in the soil then sprinkled some more soil over the seeds. After, we filled up a mini bottle and poured the water over the soil. For written tasks I had to write 6 facts about how plants are important to animals and What do plants need to grow?

If you would like to watch the video here it is:


STEAM Week 2

This Week for STEAM I have learned about non-living organisms and living organisms. I’ve also learned about flowering and non-flowering plants. For work I created a plant poster that includes 10 facts about plants. I drew a digital illustration of a plant and labelled it.

I found this link really helpful if you want to learn more about plants: Vedantu