Term 4 Keynote STEAM (STEAM with Miss Mauga)


Something I learnt about Keynote

For STEAM Term 4 I chose to learn about keynote and animation with Miss Mauga, I learned lots of new things about keynote like textured writing which is a text with a photo as the colour. The textured writing added more decoration to my keynote animation.

What is in my Keynote

My keynote is about Plants, in Term 3 each Tui learned about a STEAM topic, and my Tui (Tui 3) learned about plants. My keynote consists of 5 slides about plants which are: Plants, flowers, seeds, parts and pollinators. My keynote also has a slide about Kaitiakitanga which shows how the world revolves around nature and how we can be protectors of our environment like how just turning off a light when you leave the room will help.

Something I need to do better in Keynote

What I think I need to do better on is working on my animations. When i record my animations are delayed which means they will run fast or they will just there.

My Keynote

Diamanté Poetry

A diamanté poem consists of 7 lines. The poem is shaped like a diamond. The first line of the poem is made of a noun (or the topic), the second line of the poem consists of 2 adjectives, the third line has 3 verbs, the fourth line has 4 nouns (2 being related to the topic word, and 2 being related to the synonym of antonym of the topic), the fifth line has 3 verbs (related to the antonym or synonym of the topic word), the sixth line is made of 2 adjectives, and the seventh line is made of one noun which is usually the antonym of synonym of the topic word.

Here Is My Favourite Diamanté Poem: