Week 1 Term 4 Minecraft planing
- Me and my friend Ayansh were planning our kaitiakitanga Minecraft game for a couple days we had finished planning our game but we decided have time to finish.The game in Minecraft and if you don’t no want kaitiakitanga means guardianship of the environment and the sky,sea and land.

One day a great shiver or shark’s attacked a god of the forest he tried his best to fight back but the sharks won the god is wounded.He was go deep in the in the water but the guardians came to help the forest god.
Name of Game
- The game name is tāne Maunto zoo/aquarium it was hard to find because we had to pick a name it had to be a kaitiakitanga name.
Rules of the game
- Rule 1 you can break block
- Rule 2 you can hack
- Rule 3 you can hit the workers
- Rule 4 you can hit the animal
- Rule 5 you can have TNT and weapon
- Rule 6 you can break the glass of the aquarium
- Week 2-3
What is a advertisement
A advanced is something like video or a poster
What is canva
canva is a good app for poster video
What I in-enjoy about canva
what I enjoy about canva is because you can make poster
Week 4-5
How to build a world
The first step is to get wood or dirt to build a house after that is you will need to get tools so you can get better quality of materials.
The first tip I have is to get a little house and a bed after that is to get tools and food

Week 6
What is kitaitkanga
In TGS we are doing kitaitkanga what is kitaitkanga is guardianship and nature.
How my world shows Kitaitkanga
I’m not sure how to add Kitaitkanga but I have an idea to make aquarium and I’m making a flower garden but some of the flowers are going rotten so you. Have to dig up the flowers and then put the new flower seeds in.
How my game shows Kitaitkanga
My game is about Kitaitkanga and I am going to add a a farmer area with animal it you have to feed to get a key .
What I learned about Kitaitkanga