Month: August 2024

Invasive Insects

Invasive insects pose a significant threat to ecosystems. Take, for instance,

the Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris), an invasive species known to cause

problems for human health and beekeepers.


If you come across a wasp nest, it’s crucial to promptly eliminate it to prevent

further escalation. These wasps proliferate rapidly and have a particular

affinity for Honeydew in the higher regions of the South Island. They are

commonly found in shrublands, forested areas, and urban settings. Common

Wasps typically measure between 12mm and 17mm in length. Their original

colour is yellow, black and orange-brown.

Paris Olympics 2024

If you think this order is wrong, trust me it’s in order by how much gold medals they have. Sooooo… don’t blame me go on the internet.

So far, the United States is winning 24 gold, 31 silver, and 31 bronze with a total of 86 medals and the second is China with 22 gold, 21 silver, and 16 bronze with a total of 59 medals. New Zealand is in 13th place with 3 gold, 5 silver, and 1 bronze. Austria, Cape Verde, Egypt, Grenada, Indonesia, Iran, Portugal and Slovakia are in 69th place because they only have 1 bronze each. France is 4th with 13 gold, 16 silver and 19 bronze.