Athletics day is a fun day were you attend different events in your house colours.There will also be a track full of very talented fast runners.We have lots of fun i can’t lie.We do our best and we try, try ,try!We have shot-put and discus too.We have the little kids that play on the big field too.Interested in long jump and high jump?Well lucky for you we had all these things lined up.At the end of the day we listing to miss Watson announcing the winning house and screamed “horaayyyy!”
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Peter Jackson
introducition peter Jackson is a famous new Zealand directer he was the best directer to live in new Zealand he was the only new Zealand diracter to get a oscar awarder do you Gise now about peter Jackson
early life peter Jackson went to Kapti collage when he was younger his parents bought a camera and he youse to make short films and since then he has been good at directing and peter Jackson was born in Pukerue bay
how he started filming when peter Jackson was little he loved filming he youse to make short films and his parents said he was very good at it since he was eight when he started peter Jackson has in Oscar he is the first new Zealand director to get a Oscar award
how many films peter made 21 films his first film that he made was bad taste but his favourite film that he made was lord of the rings he said it was his to film because he had so much fun making it
conclusion peter Jackson is the most famous new Zealand diractor to live or person he is new Zealand and peter Jackson has many oscars in his life he has got heaps
pink shirt day
pink shirt day is all about being kind and spreading love. when its pink shirt day we came to school and wear pink accessories and clothes. pink shirt day is a very special day for all of us. its a day we remember when people got bullied, but thanks to this one day, that all changed. normally this one day we are all nice to each other but we should always be nice to everyone this day is so special for everyone i hope one day bulling stops.
my first few days in kahu
I am excited for camp this year because of all the fun we well have. I am excited for all the sports this year because I love doing sports. this week it has been very fun my whanau teacher is mrs Barrowman she is a fun teacher
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