Week 1 In week 1 Me and my buddy Jewel were planning. We were thinking if we wanted to have a marine or nature reserve maybe even both.Eventually Me and Jewel decided that we were going to make a marine and nature reserve. Storyline The storyline of me and jewels world was about Kaitiakitanga and […]
Cinquain poem about Nature
Nature beautiful, green shaking, sprouting, blooming nature is very wonderful fern
3D Life Cycle
In week 4 Tui 5 students each created a 3D life cycle. We each made slides in groups of 2 or 3 and as a group we each had to choose one insect. Later Mr Vande Kraats put out an assignment out on Google classroom, that was the 3D model ! We had to create […]
The body parts of insects
In week 9 Mr Vande Kraats class had an assignment on google classroom an had to do a body label and label the insects which was a wētā and cicada. Here is my work. Now I will answer 3 questions that I have to answer. 1.The similarities of a cicada and wētā are that the […]
Invasive species

The common wasp, scientifically known as Vespula vulgaris, is an invasive species known for its black, yellow, and blue-eyed appearance and a size ranging from 12mm to 17mm. Common wasps are known for their aggressive behavior and pose a threat to various ecosystems. If you come across common wasps, it is important to contact the […]
Insect roles in our world
Link In week two in STEAM we learnt about five ways insect help our world. The first thing is insects pollinate plants and beetles and wasp also pollinators. The second thing is insects decomposed waste and organic matter. The dung beetle is one hard working decomposer. The third thing is some lady bugs have stripes. […]
How my favourite food became Salmon Nigiri !
One Sunday I was at my violin class with my friend Emily and we were there for 6 hours! After 3 hours, we stopped to have sushi. My friend did not like the food on the rice, so I said, “Can i try some of this salmon Nigiri?” Emily Replied , “Sure , I don’t […]