In week 9 Mr Vande Kraats class had an assignment on google classroom an had to do a body label and label the insects which was a wētā and cicada. Here is my work.
Now I will answer 3 questions that I have to answer.
1.The similarities of a cicada and wētā are that the both of these creepy crawly insects both have hard Exoskeleton’s.
2.Cicada and wētā have difference that are it’s not ok to kill a wētā because you could go to jail for a year and and probably killing a cicada is ok. On the other hand wētās can jump with their back legs and cicadas can’t.
3.Grasshoppers are a characteristic of a wētā and a deleatidium mayfly is a characteristic of a cicada.
4. I think that a cicada does have spiracles because I have had a cicada on my hand and I saw dots behind there wings.