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Do you remember poem


Do you remember those nights at camp,

When the air was cool and we could smell all sorts of things coming from our cabins?

Sitting around the warm fire, we sang our favorite songs,

Thinking about all the fun we had and the happiness we felt,

With the memories we made, we felt strong and proud.

So let’s celebrate those moments, the laughter, and the bright sunshine,

For the camp we love and the memories we’ve created.

Puhinui stream

The puhinui Stream


 Puhinui Stream flows gently,

A soft breeze whispers through me,

Carrying with it natural aroma

Yet, as I glance to the side, my heart sinks at the sight of rubbish

Blocking the flow of this serene.

Feeling the cool touch beneath my bare feet,

I realise with a start that it’s an eel,

A reminder of the life that still thrives here.

Oh, Puhinui Stream, oh Puhinui stream,

How I long for your purity to be preserved,

For you bring such peace to our hearts and minds.

Let’s come together with compassion and take the time to care for this precious stream.

Why we need more house assemblies

Why we should have house assembly more often

Here are my reasons for more house assemblies that can change your mind about house assemblies. By having house assemblies more often, students are having a wonderful opportunity to enjoy and maybe earn house points for their house. Another reason is that you can show house pride by singing the house chant. I hope I persuaded you or maybe just made you think about why we need to have house-assemblies more often.

My trip to Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park both offer different experiences and different interests. Botanic Gardens is designed to showcase a wide variety of plant species from around the world. For our semester theme ‘Kaitiakitanga’ we are going to explore botanic gardens. Everybody was pre grouped I personally love how fascinating it was to find out information about new plants. To find information we used an app called Seek, which is an app that if you take a photo of that plant it gives you a clear understanding about that particular plant. There are themed gardens, educational facilities. I enjoyed the learning and experience, if you ever want a nice peaceful land (usually ideal for picnics) go to Botanic Gardens. The garden also provides a collection of plants, including exotic and rare species, making this a great tourist attraction for families who are seeking a relaxing and educational environment.

Tōtara Park

Tōtara Park, emphasises natural landscapes and native activities. It offers extensive walking and hiking trails, natural forests, streams, Activities at Tōtara Park include hiking, biking, walks, and bird watching, appealing to outdoor enthusiasts. Tōtara provides a more adventurous and nature-focused experience. Well-developed facilities. making Tōtara a suitable place for those who enjoy exploring the natural environment.

Connect to kaitiakitanga

Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park connect to the concept of “kaitiakitanga” through their roles in the environmental education community. They both protect native to non native plant species and ecosystems, and educate the public of the benefits offered, they both engage the community in environmental activities, which all represents the meaning of kaitiakitanga.

Peter Jackson (information report)

Peter Jackson

Who is Peter Jackson?

Peter Jackson was born on October 31,  he is a famous filmmaker from New Zealand. He is best known for directing the“Lord of The Rings” and “The Hobbit” are movies based on novels by J.R.R Tolkien.He has also made other movies such as “King Kong” and “Heavenly Creatures.” People enjoy watching his films because of the attention to detail.

Peter Jackson’s background

Peter Jackson grew up with a passion for filmmaking and experimenting with different films. His career took off with the classic horror movie “Bad Taste” in 1987, showcasing his talent as a director. As  success builds he continues to make films like “Braindead.” Peter Jackson met his wife, “Fred Walsh” during a collaboration with Peter Jackson on a movie.

Peter Jackson’s proudest achievement

Peter Jackson’s proudest achievement is arguably making “The Lord of the Rings.” That movie gave him massive success by winning lots of Academy Awards because of his attention to detail in filmmaking. Peter Jackson is also one of the richest Kiwi billionaires with an estimate of have 1.5b dollars.

In conclusion

In conclusion, Peter Jackson  is an amazing filmmaker who made classical horror movies and other films such as “The Frighteners,” which was appreciated worldwide. His films were recognised by many people and he became famous world wide because of his young passion. Peter Jackson was famous for his filmmaking career. His attention to detail and innovative filmmaking led to massive success, and he won lots of Academy Awards


Los dos niños hacen una aventura

Vamos a jugar un juego. “¿Cuál es el juego”? Liam preguntó: “Es el clásico escondite. "¡Nooooo, eso es súper aburrido!" gritó Liam. *Suena un arbusto súper fuerte* Espera, ¿qué escuchaste? No, ¿de qué estás hablando? Cállate y escucha. ¿Qué fue eso que no sé? ¡Creo que deberíamos investigarte loco!

Bueno, no tenemos nada que hacer, así que será divertido, como una aventura. Si muero, es tu culpa. Sí, sí, lo que sea que necesitemos para conseguir primero las herramientas adecuadas, como una linterna, una cuerda e incluso una bolsa llena de suministros como un botiquín de primeros auxilios, etc., antes de salir e investigar. Está bien, me quedaré aquí y tú conseguirás las cosas. ¿Podrías al menos ayudar? Uf está bien, está bien.

Vaya, es como una cueva secreta por dentro y parece irreal, pero vinimos aquí por una razón: investigar ese sonido. "¿Podría ser realmente un cristal real?" gritó Liam con entusiasmo shhh, concéntrate, Liam, pero podríamos ser ricos en dinero e incluso podríamos convertirnos en multimillonarios, esa es probablemente una palabra que inventaste, espera, ¡ahhhhh, la cueva secreta se está derrumbando!



Me duele la cabeza, ay. Eres buena, Sara. Te dije que sería peligroso. Ahora dame el dinero. Recuerde, hicimos una apuesta. ¡Uf, está bien, pero solo te daré el dinero si salimos VIVOS de aquí! ¿Qué pasó? Lo único que podía recordar era el colapso de la cueva. Me siento súper débil. Sí, gracias a Dios que conseguí el botiquín de primeros auxilios, sí, suerte nuestra, pero ¿cómo se derrumbó la cueva? ¿Nos planeamos?

Creo que vamos a poder observarte, claro, sí, positivo. Bueno, ¿no se supone que una cueva es oscura y anónima? Sí, esta cueva tiene luz, como si no fuera una cueva real. Sabía que era demasiado bueno para ser verdad. Bueno, ¿qué hacemos? Espera, ¿todavía tienes tu teléfono contigo? Sí, solo le queda como un 10%”, lo cual es perfecto, dijo Liam con orgullo. ¿Por qué no llamas al equipo de rescate? Bien, dijeron que su estimación para llegar a esto es aproximadamente una hora. 1 HORA Y 30 MINUTOS DESPUÉS. Puedo escuchar a alguien shhh, cállate. 

"Yo también puedo oírlo", susurró Liam. Creo que hay una abertura en la cueva. Vaya, es el equipo de rescate. Hagamos algo para llamar su atención. Donde por aquí gritan los dos, ellos escaparon y se dijeron si alguna vez escuchaban un ruido sospechoso, avisen a sus padres y no investiguen.


Why you should live in New Zealand

Why should you travel to New Zealand (NZ)?

New Zealand may be a small country with a little population, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t an attractive country. I’m here to persuade you of the benefits of visiting New Zealand.

The first thing is that wherever you go, you will be able to see more greenery and less pollution. Another thing is that it has breathtaking scenery, which I recommend to you. It also has beautiful beaches, such as Cathedral Cove, Hot water Beach, Coromandel ,for example.

Another thing is that in Tāmaki Makaurau (the city of New Zealand) on the north side has got an iconic sky tower in the centre, which has been up for 25 years already. It has got a view of the harbour bridge and next to the tower are some fancy cultural restaurants, cafes, bars, tall buildings and much more.

The weather in Aotearoa is not too hot or too cold. It’s not too far away from the ocean. New Zealand is a mountainous country which offers the most stunning views on Earth.

New Zealand is full of history and takes pride in the Mãori people, as Moari were the first people to settle in NZ. Aotearoa came third in Social Purpose which is the country’s attitude and actions towards a variety of social attributes such as race religion, gender, animal rights and much more.

Less people living in Aotearoa with only 4.8 million means there is less light pollution too so that means the night sky makes things even more grand.

Low incidence of corruption/crime and density with a society that is friendly, open minded and welcoming means that NZ is an extremely safe, chilled-place to live, study and work.

New Zealand is the best country to survive a global collapse as it has been voted as being one of if not the best country in the world to survive a global collapse.

These are my reasons for why you should live in NZ and NOT any other country.

Thank you

Holiday trip

The sand cascaded down my bare hands like a river stream. I could see the kids playing in the sand; building sand castles and I could smell the BBQ chicken cooking.

In clear weather, I could hear people screaming as a large wave slammed into them, and I could see adults and children tanning, some people were surfing and kayaking and some were just swimming. Coconut ice cream and passion fruit mocktails were available for purchase. When I went into the ocean, I felt as though someone was tickling me. Tropical fish were swimming around my feet when I looked down. I kept on going forward until I felt like I was in the deep end. There were people passing beach balls in the water. I looked behind me and saw my parents and older sister buying ice cream, so I went to join them. After a nice cooling dessert, my sister and I ran to the nearby playground, which was only a few metres away, where we ran to the swings, then to the fire fox, and finally to the tunnel slide. We stayed there for about 30 minutes before returning to our parents.

(It was like I was at Fiji beach.)

My review of cabin fever


                                  Cabin fever book review 


(I chose this book because it is really entertaining and I can sometimes even relate to some of Greg’s adventures.)

Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the

prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he’s innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits the family and are forced to stay trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he is going to face the music, but for Greg could any punishment be worse than bending stuck with his family? 

Poly fest

Hello my name is Akshath and this is my point of view on poly feast 2024.

 Last week I was in a rush. I got ready and packed a full lunch box because today the year 7 & 8 (and some years 5 & 6 kapa haka team) were  going to a poly fest! Because lots of schools in Auckland got invited as guests to poly fest.You might be wondering what poly fest is? Poly fest is a place where you can see different cultures showing off their talent/culture also representing their schools. I loved all the dances. It was very mind blowing that all the students had something mind blowing every time and the fact that the students choreographed it all by themselves made me wild. Poly fest was coming to an end and I really want to thank the parents and teacher helpers for looking after us.

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