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The orange and yellow fellow

There was a frog that was set on fire, like a toasted marshmallow.

Even though he was set he was completely mellow. 

He was just exploring until… he found a yellow fellow!

The two fellows explored having fun until….  they heard a loud BELLOW!

They both didn’t dare to move, they were statues 

Hoping something could be of use,

they were not daring to breathe, or burst a fuse

With a bunch of unique tools they found a few strange monster clues 

They set up the trap within  a big pit 

They tricked the monster to sneakily sit

After their tricky plan, they celebrated with a BANG!

They wore a necklace, made of his fang.

Picture from https://www.onceuponapicture.co.uk/?s=Frog+on+fire

The two kids make a adventure

Let’s play a game. “What’s the game”? Asked Liam, “It’s the classic hide and seek. “Nooooo, that’s super boring!” shouted Liam. *Super loud bush sounds* Wait, what did you hear? No, what are you talking about? Be quiet and listen. What was that I don’t know? I think we should investigate you crazy!

Well, we don’t have anything to do, so it’ll be fun, like an adventure. If I die, it’s your fault. Yeah, Yeah whatever we need to get the right tools first, like a torch, rope and even a bag filled with supplies like a first aid kit etc before we leave and investigate. Okay fine I’ll stay here and you get the stuff. Could you atleast help? Ugh okay fine.

Woah it’s like a secret cave inside and  it looks unreal but we came here for one reason to investigate that sound. “Could it actually be a real crystal” shouted Liam with excitement shhh be focused Liam but but we could be rich money money and we could even become quadrillionaires that’s probably a word you made up wait ahhhhh the secret cave is collapsing!



My head hurts, ouch. You’re good, Sarah. I told you I would be dangerous. Now give me the money. Remember, we made a bet. Ugh okay fine, but I’ll only give you the money if we get out of here ALIVE! What happened? The only thing I could remember was the cave collapsing. I feel super weak. Yeah Thank god I got the first aid kit yeah, lucky us but how did the cave collapse? Did we get planned?

I think we are getting to watch you, sure, yeah, positive. Well, isn’t a cave supposed to be dark and anonymous? Yeah, this cave has light, like it’s not a real cave. I knew it was too good to be true. Well, what do we do? Wait, do you still have Your phone with you, yeah why, it only has like 10% left, “which is perfect said Liam proudly”. Why don’t you call the rescue team? Okay, they said their estimate coming to this is an hour or so. 1 HOUR AND 30 MINUTES LATER. I can hear someone shhhing be quiet. 

“I can also hear it,” whispered Liam. I think there’s an opening in the cave. Wow, it’s the rescue team. Let’s do something to catch their attention. Where over here shouts the two, they escaped and told themselves if they ever heard  a suspicious noise, tell their parents and don’t investigate.


our night sky

This year’s semester topic is our night sky. In the Kahu hapori we had to draw what the night sky looks like. We also had a maths activity about the midnight sky. I enjoyed the activities mostly enjoyed the maths activity.

Akshath (all about me)



Hi, my name is Akshath Singh, this is how I created my (all about me art). On 27 February the kahu hapori created art. It’s basically art that shows who you are and what your hobbies/interests are by pictures. For me I showed that I love going on walks I love animals, I love reading and I love to do skipping.










My first few days as a Kahu!

              My First Day at The Gardens School

 Kia ora! I’m Akshath Singh, a year 7 in Kāhu4. Here’s a brief look at my journey so far:

  1. Getting Started: The classroom buzzes with energy. I met my classmates,  Guntaas and Pranav we talked for a while we then got started with the role after that we got our learning P.AL. It’s a portfolio that keeps track of your work, e.g., your test certificates and old work. so we started labelling numbers 1-40 in our P.A.L After that we labelled all our books and stationery 
  2. Subjects: Math, Literacy, Te Ako and many more!
  3. Morning tea and lunch: the bell rings and the teacher in charge dismisses us I grab my hat and sit with my friends in our favourite spot we are all talking about our new spaces and teachers we also tell jokes and laugh.
  4. Writing test: writing tests aren’t really my thing they keep me on my toes, but I’m learning and growing.
  5. Looking Ahead: I hope one day I’ll become a head librarian or just a kind helpful year 7 that could help anyone that’s in need 🙂  

Being part of Kāhu:4 feels like family. And guess what? I’m also the librarian now!

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