Week 7 term 4- reflection podcast

During this term for STEAM we created a podcast, the hardest part of making it was when I had to write the podcast script, and come up with lots of questions. The easiest part of our podcast was putting the podcast on GarageBand.

l enjoyed writing the podcast because it was hard and fun like choosing the font and completing it.

Our podcast relates to kaitiakitanga because we learnt about sea animals in our home whanau so we did our podcast about sea animals. Sea animals relates  to kaitiakitanga because kaitiak tanga means guardian of the earth and we wrote about protecting sea animals.

These are my three tips on making a better podcast in the future.
1. Don’t keep writing the same thing over and over

2. Do three or more segments or paragraphs

3. You can do a podcast for any topic

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