This term on the 18th of November the Kāhu hapori is heading to Camp Adair for a whole week of fun! With hiking, kayaking, swimming, and a water slide! You really do not want to miss out on camp this year. We’ll have lots of fun with our camp group and do lots of team bonding activities, with s’mores and more yummy food! Camp this year will be amazing, and you really do not want to miss out.
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Guardians Of The Earth
Dear reader,
This letter is to inform you about the problems that our earth is facing. The earth is facing treacherous problems that are causing grave danger to us humans. But it’s not the earths fault, it’s our fault! Us humans are causing such bad problems, that maybe one day we won’t have an earth to live in. My question for you is what can you do to stop this from happening? How can you be a guardian for our earth, how can you be a Kaitiaki?
One of the massive problems that we are causing is pollution. Water pollution, air pollution, light pollution, soil pollution, image pollution, plastic pollution and thermal pollution, this is all caused by us humans. There is many things that we can do to stop this from happening, but no one is stepping up and taking action. Everyone learns in school about how pollution is dangerous, how our earth might fall apart because of this but no one has actually tried to make a difference. So what will you do to make a difference?
There is many things that we can’t do to stop pollution, but sometimes we can’t do anything to help, but if you can help, then why aren’t you? There is many thing that you can do to help, here is some things that we can do to help certain pollution situations. I’ll tell you about three main disruptions of pollution. Light pollution, air pollution, and water pollution.
Light Pollution
Light Pollution causes grave danger to our night sky. Due to light pollution we might not have beautiful starts in the sky like we do now. Light pollution is when the light from street lamps, porch lights, or even from your little flashlight that your grandma gave you on your birthday. Light pollution can be caused by the smallest of lights that shine brightly at night. These lights float up into the air, and the stars and galaxies begin to hide from this light. This causes big clouds to cover the stars, and that’s why in most cities it is impossible to see a single star because of the amount of light in the city. Although if you were out camping, the amount of stars you would see is amazing! Due to the low amount of lights at a campsite, you end up seeing more stars!
Water Pollution
The main cause of water pollution is waste water and sewage, but it’s not just sewage that is being thrown into our streams, and rivers, it’s also plastic! When ever you throw a piece of rubbish outside of a bin, do you ever wonder where it goes? It floats around in the air for a while and it eventually ends up in a drain, and the drain leads straight to oceans, rivers, and streams. This eventually ends up choking a poor aquatic animal, that ends up dying because of our rubbish that we have thrown on the side of the road. What can you do to stop this from happening?
Air Pollution
Air pollution is cause by chemicals and gas that go into the sky, this floods sky which causes our night sky to become more grain. This also completely takes over all the fresh air we have. This can cause lots of lung cancers, and diseases. There is many thing we can do to to stop air pollution from happening, such as banning fireworks, forest fires and much more! We can easily stop air pollution, but we all must give our share.
Overall, Pollution very bad for earth, and there is so many things we can do to stop it from happening, but we all must give our share to prove that saving the earth is possible we just have to all help to prevent it.
Vote Sassy- Top Dog
Sassy is the cutest office dog ever!
I believe that you should vote sassy (Sasquatch) for NZ top dog! Sassy is the cutest office dog ever! He is fun and always energetic, yet he can also be lazy and sleepy. Wether Sassy is happy, tired lazy or hungry he alway manages to be the cutest dog ever! Sassy is such a cute dog, she is kind and caring and is the best office dog ever! Vote Sassy for Top Dog NZ 2024!
Tōtara Park & Botanical Gardens
On Tuesday in week two we went to Tōtara park, and in week three we went to Botanical Gardens. We went to tōtara park and botanical gardens so we could see what a healthy environment looks like. Our LAUNCH theme this term is Kaitiakitanga meaning guardians of our environment.
Tōtara park
We started our kaitiakitanga journey at tōtara park. We used the seek app to discover different plant species and to look at all the vegetation. When we went to tōtara park I noticed that it was very muddy and there were not a lot of plants, but there were quite a lot of tōtara trees. In tōtara park I tried to identify many plant species, but there wasn’t a lot that I could find.
Overall, I enjoyed tōtara park. I found it fun and interesting to look at all the different types of plant species and looking at all the tōtara trees.
Botanical gardens
I enjoyed botanical gardens. What I noticed at botanical gardens was that there was more vegetation and plants than tōtara park. At botanical gardens we did fun activities. The storm water work, and the scavenger hunt. First we got split into groups. My group started with the scavenger hunt. For the scavenger hunt we used the seek app and we had to find a plant species for every letter of the alphabet. We walked around the rose garden, and we walked around the pond. We found quite a few species of plants for each letter. We found a lot of plants for each letter but we were missing I, X, Y, Z.
After the scavenger hunt, we did the storm water walk. We looked at fresh flowing water, and we read all the signs that informed us about the storm water that had been collected. Overall, we had a great experience at botanical gardens. My favourite part was the scavenger hunt.
What was different about botanical gardens and tōtara park was that at botanical gardens there was way more vegetation and plant species then there were at tōtara park. In tōtara park there were mainly trees and muddy trails, barely any vegetation. At botanical gardens it was the exact opposite.
In conclusion, we had a great time at both botanical gardens, and tōtara park. My favourite was definitely botanical gardens as there were many plants to look at, I especially enjoyed looking at the ducks and eels in the pond.
Who is J.R.R Tolkien
Did you know that on the 3rd of January an incredible man was born? His name is Jhon Ronald Reuel Tolkien(JRR). From 3rd January to 2nd September 1973, he published many books and made many accomplishments in his life. One of his most popular books was The Hobbit.
Tolkien’s Early life
Tolkien grew up in the Edgbaston area of Birmingham in South Africa. He attended King Edwards school, and later St. Phillips school. By the age of 9 Tolkien lost both of his parents and became an orphan. His parents died of rheumatic fever. Tolkien grew up with a brother, Hillary Arthur Reuel Tolkien. Overall, Tolkien had an amazing life and he made many achievements before passing.
Why did Tolkien want to be an author?
JRR Tolkien was interested in many books himself, specifically fantasy books. It reminded him of his childhood experience in England. Tolkien wanted to write fairy tales because he wanted to entertain his children and other children. Tolkien was inspired and wanted to write his own stories.
Fun Facts
I’ve learnt a lot about Tolkien, but there are still many things to uncover. Tolkien is a very interesting person with a lot of achievements. Did you know that Tolkien created 15 languages! Tolkien made many languages, one of his most popular is Khuzdul which is mentioned in one of the Lord of the Ring books. Did you know that token fought in World War I? Tolkien and his brother Lewis both fought in World War I.
Some of his popular books with description
The Hobbit
On 21 September 1937, The Hobbit was published. It was JRR Tolkien’s first book and definitely one of his most popular books. Tolkien took 2 and a half years to finish his masterpiece. Bilbo Baggins was the main character in his book along with being the most honourable as well . The book is set in middle earth. The Hobbit isn’t just a book it is also a movie! The Hobbit was filmed by Sir Peter Jackson on 21 March 2011 to 6 July 2012.
Lord of the Rings
JRR Tolkien’s Second book, The Lord of the Rings was published on the 29th of July 1954. The Lord of the Rings is also one of Tolkien’s most appreciated books. The Lord of the Rings is a series of the three books, but not only it is a book it is also a movie! Just like The Hobbit. The Lord of the rings is also filmed by Sir Peter Jackson.
Overall, we have learnt about JRR Tolkien’s early life and why wanted to be an author. We also learnt about some of his most popular books, The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, along with some fun facts. Overall, Tolkien was an amazing person and a great role model for everyone.
Willow The Crow

*This picture is not my own image it is from
Winter has stopped, and spring has begun to flow.
Old leaves will fall and new ones will grow.
Then came the wonderful white Willow the crow.
The stream of leaves crunch under her tiny toes.
The leaves slowly fall on her feathers as soft as cakes.
The leaves are crunchy cornflakes.
“CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH!” Willow would run for miles.
Willow is as tiny as an ant, she gets lost in piles.
The trees began to sing, swishing and with a sway
“WOOSH” Willow ran away with no delay.
Willow sighed, It’s just the swish and sway.
Willow was born on a beautiful spring day