
Final blog post


what was easy and what was hard?

  • One thing that was hard for me was: finding people that would like to be interviewed.
  • and one thing that was easy for me was:finding questions to ask the people who I was interviewing.

      Which task do you enjoy the most?why?

    Interviewing people and. talking to people about kaitiakitanga.


how is your podcast related to kaitiakitanga?

my podcast was about sea life. And focusing on trying to stop pollution.

Tips to make a better podcast for the future

  • not making one person do all the work
  • making sure you don’t take the whole time while doing your work
  • and doing your interviews in a quiet area.

Week 7/6

Why are plants so important to us?:

I think that plants are very Important to us because lots of things come from plants, like trees have oxygen and plants like carrots help and sweet potatoes can help with protecting your body from free radical damage and promote a healthy gut and brain, and many many more plants can help with your body.

STEAM week 9


Title:What I have learnt from my plant and what I will do differen next time

what I learned from my plant is that you can’t put in to much water or you might drown it and you can’t put to little water in it or it will dry out, and you can’t leave it in the sun for to long or it will die too.

STEAM week 5

this week we put celery in a half a cup of red coloured water. the next day we came back and the celery’s was much more stiff and hard which was good. then the next day we came back we got to take some photos of the plant.

STEAM Week 2

This week I learned about plants🌺 I learned that plants are a living organism and that plants can help clean the sea. There are also some other facts like there are over 9 MILLION kinds of plants and without plants you wouldn’t even recognise planet earth 

Steam week 3

What do plants need to grow:





Why are plants so important to people/animals?






STEAM week 1 🎀

Living – natural                                        Non living/manmade

They need food & water                          They don’t need food 

They can reproduce                                  They can’t reproduce            

They can grow                                             They don’t need air 

They can breath                                           They can’t grow