In the night sky, lots of stars show up when you look up once you look up you will see shining bright stars and even the moon. But wait, you will see something else it can be a planet from Earth we can see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, but not the ice giants they are too far from Earth to be seen. Mars is easiest to be seen in my opinion cause it’s really red and try using SkyView to find planets easier. Venus will be the brightest planet from Earth you can see it with a naked eye. Jupiter will be the biggest to be seen in the night sky. On April 4th 2024 4 planets will align, but for all 8 planets to align last time it happened was in December 28 2022. But it will not happen until May 4th in the year 2492 that’s a REALLY long time all of us will be dead in the 2080 or 2100 for the teachers around 2050, every year the moon moves away from Earth the length is 1cm. The moon is 384,400km from the Earth,