Week 6 term 4
What is kaitakitanga kaitakitanga is a world that means guardianship gods and helping the environment vets green houses gardens life cycles plants flowers trees and water How my world shows Kaitangatanga .we can make them feel better green houses for plants flower gardens for bees .trees fruits vegetables worms so the soil gets better […]
Week 4/5 term 4
How to build your own Minecraft world To build your own world when you first load in Minecraft education. If you have not sign in Minecraft education you will need to so you can make your world. After you sign in Minecraft education you will be in the main menu you will need to press […]
STEAM Term 4 Minecraft kaitiakitanga
week 1 planning Me and my buddy Aaron was planing our Minecraft zoo/aquarium it was very long planing for our game. Storyline One day I great shiver of sharks attacked a god of the forest he trying his best to fight. but he the sharks won the god was wounded he was going deep in […]