Ambury farm is a giant farm home to a huge amount of animals where annoying school children come. They come every month to annoy all of us animals. They start to mock and copy our sounds. I bet humans can’t relate to us.
We are animals, we don’t deserve to be mocked and made fun of, we live on this world as well but these stupid humans I don’t understand, like we are as important as them we give them milk. My fellow sheep friends give you wool. Over that one of my sisters told me that huumans try to take off all the sheep’s clothes there robbing them in bright daylight and the worst part there is putting them IN THEIR LEGS so disgusting ew.
My whole fam was just chilling mooing pooping whenever we wanted to, cow stuff you know. Then a whole group of kid huumans came and started trying to scare us and mock us. They were so weird, especially that really tall one calling us cute over and over again. Every-time we were yawning they would copy us and I think they were trying to make an opera. It was super bad to be honest, they even made my brother poop with such bad singing.
After a while another group of huuumans came they were pulling out grass and putting it in their dirty hand expecting us to eat it, ok maybe we did but that is not the point they were so disgusting that same tall girl came saying ‘oh my god yoou are sooo cute’ i think her friend was calling her something like baarlee but maybe she wasn’t the tall, maybe I need glasses.
Finally some peace and quiet, no huumans and no people touching me with their dirty hands. Maybe I should get something to eat and poop at the same time. I’m so cool.
Roses are red, violets are blue, huumans: leave me alone, especially that short girl, you know who!
Well done, love the story 🙂
thank you for your nice comment
Well done keep it up I would consider to not have the eyes
thank you for your nice comment
Well done keep it up
thank you for your nice comment
Amazing writing it’s very interesting and I loved reading it .
thank you for your nice comment
thank you for your nice comment
Love your writing piece
thank you for your nice comment