My minecraft world so far: The easiest thing to do was probably build all the trees and the hut because there were so simple to build. The hardest thing to do was to build the island because the day I started none of my partners were here and there was so much blocks I had to place. Me and Nathan’s…
Kaitiakitanga Term 3, Week 4/5
Kimihia Kermit 1. Kimihia Kermit activities 2. Kimihia Kermit facts 3. Find 3 Differences 4. What is it useful for? 5. Match the pictures 6. Frog distribution map 7. Just 1 question
Kaitiakitanga Term 3, Week 3 STEAM
Unique NZ Reptiles 1. Fact File For Tuatara AI For Oceans 1. Hour Of Code
Kaitiakitanga Week 2, Term 3 STEAM
Amphibians 1. Amphibians Short Answer Quiz 2. Amphibians Matching Traits – F = Frog, T = Toads, S = Salamander 3. Life Cycle Of A Bullfrog
Kaitiakitanga Week 1 Term 3 STEAM