August 27

STEAM Week 4 – Life cycle of a Sea Turtle

This week in week 4 I did a life cycle of a turtle and realised that there were lots of stages like first egg, then hatchling, next juvenile, then young adult, then finally adult and we lernened facts like the sea turtle lives in coastal water, and sand temperatures are very important.

August 21

Week 3 Steam – Marine Animal Reproduction

In week three for STEAM we researched the different life cycle patterns observed in marine animals. We found that there are four main categories.

I learned there are different zones of repudiation the oviparous ,lay eggs viviparous, give birth to young  ones ovoviviparous, hatch from eggs and look like it’s parent, metamorphosis has 2 or more stages.

August 20

WEEK 2 – Diving into the Ocean

This week I learnt that the parts of the oceans have different names, the names are sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone, abyss zone, and the bottom. We also learned that there are lots of different species in the different parts of the ocean some are in like squids are in twilight zone, and midnight zone. We made an ocean zone chart showing the different zones.

August 20

Week 1 STEAM. Marine animal life cycles

In week one I did a KWL chart and I know that 5% of the ocean has been seen ,there is several seas, the ocean has different parts, jelly fish have no bones, 95% of the ocean has not been seen, blob fish have big nose.

I want to know what is in the 95% of the ocean, what else is in the ocean, how do they catch fish without killing them.