Literacy Free verse poem

WALT free verse poem

Mood: Intense/Exiting

Title: Catniped cat

Jack leaped into the lounge with catnip all over his face and stalked Leo, the fluffiest potato in the world with all the commitment in the world! Then a second before Leo turned around Jack leaped and they went into the most intense cat play fight in the entire universe!

STEAM Minecraft -end

This photo is relevant because it is the water cave that my turtles from my turtle life cycle live in. The turtle lifecycle is birth, baby, adult and  death.




This photo is relevant because these are the frogs from my world. Did you know that frogs eat their own skin.





This photo shows me holding a piece of rubbish and me about to put it in. You should always throw rubbish in the bin.

STEAM week 1 Exploring sea creatures!

(K): (Megalagon) my mom has two megaladon teeth.

(Blob Fish)blob fish are only blobby when they’re too close to air or in air.

(Jellyfish,) Jellyfish have stingers.

(Stingray,) if you see a stingrays underneath it looks like cute face.

(Shark.) sharks only eat you if they are hungry or you are bleeding.

(W) what animals eat,

what animals were before evolution,

extinct animals, how animals live,

new animals, how to sketch animals,

how octopuses change their colours.

Write three questions to ask a marine biologist:

Have you ever seen a shark,

are you ever scared when your in the ocean,

have you ever been in the ocean?



Kaitiakitanga/ STEAM/ minecraft/ term 4/ 2024

Kaitiakitanga means guardians of the earth. To be a guardian of the earth means to protect our lands and Earth, to keep our animals and our family’s safe.

we need to protect our earth but at the moment it is not going very well. I mean go outside look at these people their doing quite the opposite so it’s Kaitiakitanga’s job to protect our earth, but who are the Kaitiakitanga people?

it can be anyone even you! It was certainly the mauri’s.

They were sensible with our earths resources only using the wood and supplies they needed. They didn’t burn fuel and spread plastic everywhere! That was us when we came here!

we need to be Kaitiakitanga to protect our earth.

How to protect the turtles:

  • Reduce plastic use.
  •  Use paper bags or preferably reusable bags instead of plastic ones.
  • Use reusable straws like metal not plastic ones.
  • Use reusable cups.
  • Never attempt to feed the turtles because it is dangerous for you and the turtles because it just might be poisonous for them.
  • Do not disturb sea turtle eggs.
  •  Through rubbish in the bins not in the floor.
  • Make sure to not hit turtles with boats.
  • Use barbless circle fishing hooks.

Never abandon fishing gear in the water, it could cause the turtles to get injury’s or get tangled.

Compare and contrast

This week in STEAM we compared the difference between the Sea Turtle and a Shark or a Whale.  We used a compare and contrast chart to write down all the things that we found out that were the same and the things that were different.

Week 3 STEAM (Marine Animal Reproduction)

In week 3 for STEAM we researched the different life cycle patterns observed in marine animals. We found that there are 4 main categories.

Oviparous: producing young by means of eggs which are hatched after they have been laid by the parent.

Viviparous: Give birth to live young.

Ovoviviparous: Once the egg hatches, it remains inside the mother for a period of time.

Metamorphosis: Change of physical form, structure, or substance.

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This entry was posted on February 13, 2024. 1 Comment