“Bzzzt, bzzzzzzt” the emergency alarms went on our devices “there is going to be a cyclone in New Zealand, be prepared for the worst.” Then my mother got a notification saying there will be no school for the next two days as there will be a cyclone, stay home and be safe”.
My mum, dad and I were the ones who were at home(and 5 family friends who rents).We were told to be prepared for the worst.
During this time we all packed a bag and left it on the table closest to the door so if we got flooded we could still access our bags. After that we just left it as an easygoing day and waited for the cyclone to come / watching Netflix for the next two days.
We stayed at home the whole day since we couldn’t really leave the house, but the day before we went to the shops for food because we were getting closer to an empty cupboard.
Monday and Tuesday, 13th and 14th of February. It was also valentines on tuesday so nothing could really happen since we had to stay home for the remaining days.
What was the reason we stayed home? Well.. if we went to school it wouldn’t be the right time to be at school because you have no preparation, your parents wouldn’t be able to pick you up because a tree is blocking the road to your school and because you wouldn’t be with your family.
How was my experience? Entertaining I would say even though there was a chance of getting badly injured or even dying. I was just relieved that I got to have two days off school.