Monthly Archives: June 2024

Peter Jackson the director

                         what is Peter Jackson famous for?
Peter Jackson is the director of the Lord of Rings and the Hobbit trilogy.He won three Academy Awards.He also got  best picture, best director and best adapted screenplay.

What was Peter Jackson’s childhood like?

-peter Jackson developed a love of Films as a child  and was inspired by the adventures he would have in and around his home, Which he called the “adventure play  ground” He was also an only child Jackson’s imagination was inspired by a Picturesque coastline of cliff and caves. He grew up in the seaside village of pukerua bay 40 minutes, north Wellington.

Is Peter Jackson a Billionaire

Jackson became a billionaire in November 2021after selling a chunk of his Weta digital films, and Peter Jackson ranked 2124 ,with an estimated of $1.5B, Jackson is also the highest profile kiwi billionaire.

Where is Peter Jackson from

Jackson was born on the 31st of October 196l in Wellington (Jackson is From Wellington New zealand).Both of Peter parents are immigrants from England his parents are Joan Ruck and Willian Jackson .A fun fact is that Jackson used to go to kāpiti College, where he expressed no interest in sports.

How was Peter Jackson’s career like?

Around this time Jackson began working on a number of film scripts, in varied collaborations groupings .Peter Jackson has three BATFs ,a golden Globe.He is the fourth-highest-grossing film director of time. A fun fact is that Jackson left school at the age of 16 ,so he could get a job and support his filming aspirations. Jackson directed his first film is 1987.he continued making films after this and in hi mid -90s he decided to take on the now cult years to complete and was all done in New Zealand.


Here is some more information about Peter Jackson.

What movies has Peter Jackson made?

With a career spinning over 40 years  it shouldn’t come as any surprise the Peter Jackson has made many movies that have gathered a great deal of critical and commercial success.Such a long career means that there are definable eras for his movies ,ranging from his early splatter phase which focuses on sore and violence to his more epic adventures in the naughties and 2010s.