Term 4 Reflection – podcast

What was easy and hard?  I found writing the script and coming up with questions was hard, and I found recording was easy. I found writing my questions the hardest because they all had to be different from the rest. Which task did you enjoy the most? Why? I enjoyed recording my friends and teachers … Continue reading “Term 4 Reflection – podcast”

Week 3 STEAM – the water cycle

Activity 1: Activity one was about evaporation. for activity on we had miss wang pour hot water onto the basketball court and me and my buddy had to draw around it with chalk, we set a stopwatch an waited till all the water was evaporated once it was all gone we stopped the watch and … Continue reading “Week 3 STEAM – the water cycle”

S2-STEAM: Guardians of the EARTH Kaitiakitanga

Week 1: Water Cycle What do I know about the water cycle: there are three stages of the water cycle, there is first evaporation then there is condensation the last stage is  precipitation! What do I want to learn about the water cycle and cycles in nature: NOTHING what did you do on Tuesdays session: … Continue reading “S2-STEAM: Guardians of the EARTH Kaitiakitanga”