Term 4 Keynote STEAM


Something I learnt about keynote. Learning to make an animation and not needing to use like 20 slides.

What is my keynote? My keynote is about plants and different things about plants like a life cycle.

Something I need to do better on keynote. I need to learn how to make a good video to go with the keynote.

my Keynote

The amazing Acrostic poem

My sister








A acrostic poem is a poem were there are words and the end or the start of the word becomes another word. An acrostic poem doesn’t need to rhyme. The words usually describes the theme like sister or summer. The word beag in my poem means small in Irish 🇮🇪 because my sister is my little sister.

The wonders of a Cinquain poem

The cute animal called a dog 


Cute ,fluffy

Pouncing ,barking ,running

Chasing a leaf away


What is a Cinquain poem? A Cinquain poem is a poem the doesn’t rhyme. Usually the first line has 1 word which is what the poem is about. The seconds line has 2 words which are usually adjectives. The third line has 3 words that end with ing. The fourth line has 4 words which is a  phrase. And last but not least the fifth line has 1 word that is similar to the main word.

Week 9 STEAM

Kia Ora

My plant is much more taller here is the measurement.
A= 16cm

B= 5cm

C= 2cm

During this STEAM I have learnt that plants need water everyday or the next day it will be droopy. And during a science project that you NEED a drainage hole other whys it will not grow. Next time I will make sure to water it everyday. And I will make sure it’s nice and healthy.

Week 8

Kia Ora I just wanna say why we need plants. And how do plants help us.

why we need plants

  1. if we didn’t have plants it would be harder to breath.
  2. We wouldn’t have vegetables if we didn’t have plants.
  3. We wouldn’t have so much materials if we didn’t have plants.

How do plants help us

  1. they give us oxygen.
  2. Plants give us food.
  3. plants give us some materials.
  4. plants have many different ways they help us.

Here is my diagram showing how photosynthesis works.

Week 1 STEAM

Facts about plants.

  1. there are many different types of plants.
  2. some plants eat flys.
  3. the biggest plant is the giant sequoia.

STEAM Week 6 and 7

hi we did some celery before and um this was before

and this is it now +-+ died 🙂 yay. We have thrown it away YAY Its dead now R.I.P.. We have finished the test and it turned blue. If you didn’t know I planted a plant then go back to week 4 because my slide is on there. It has grown soooo much it’s now 11.5 cm and that’s mr A. Mr B is 5 cm. Im too lazy to do the rest of the plants. We had to write a diagram of how photosynthesis works and I loved it. Did you know that the date I wrote this is Dé Máirt 27 Lúnasa. Can you guess what it says and what language it is. I’ll tell you at the end. So can you guess how photosynthesis works if you can I’ll tell you. First the plant needs 4 things

  1. sunlight
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. water
  4. chlorophyll

first first the water and minerals go into the stems of the plants and they go into the leafs. This makes the leaf begin stomata. carbon dioxide start going in the stomata. Water minerals and carbon dioxide and sunlight makes elaborated sap. Now its chlorophyll’s turn the elaborated sap is in chlorophyll. The elaborated sap goes on the leafs. That’s how photosynthesis works. Now time for the quiz who knows what date this is Dé Máirt 27 Lúnasa? Good its Tuesday 27 august. Now what language is it? Wow you’re good it is Irish. Now I have to go bye.

Week 5 STEAM

dia duit  this week we did a science experiment. We got a bit of celery  and put it in 1/2 of water with 15 drops of blue dye. We came back today and it looked strait plus it turned blue. I loved it so much I did it at home. Here are the photos of the celery.(the photo above is the photo of the celery)

Week 4 STEAM

Hello it me again this week we learned more about plants. We have planted a seed and are observing what happens as it grows. Please see my slide to check out my plant life cycle. plant life cycle. 🌱 I love plants because there kinda cute ☺️.I got to grow a plant and some basil and cucumber.

STEAM week 3

Read more: STEAM week 3