What makes me anxious and happy

Everyone has stuff that makes them angry, anxious, happy and sad. Here’s what makes me happy and anxious.

Something that makes me happy is my pets because they are cute and adorable and when I get home from school or a long stressful day my dog comes and licks me and plays with me and then when I go into my room one of my cats comes and cuddles with me. My mum and brothers (sometimes) make me happy. My mum makes me happy because she makes my dinner, takes me to school and does much more. My brothers make me happy because……. (I kind of have to put this here) they keep me entertained and…. That’s it besides the fact that they are annoying. Music also makes me happy because you can just relax and listen to music with all your feelings going away. It is kind of a coping mechanism for me.

The thing that makes me anxious is feeling alone. I mostly don’t but when I do I feel anxious because it’s weird (it’s hard to explain). What also makes me anxious is losing a loved one and not necessarily when they die, for example my brother’s situation that made me anxious. Another thing that makes me anxious is getting told off because no one likes getting told of and when I get told off I don’t talk as much.

What makes me happy and anxious at the same time is when my brother Brennan goes to high school because it’s too much to handle for him with stuff that can happen at high school like fights, vapes and idiots. I’m also happy he is communicating and doing his work though.

(mum if ur reading this i know i am such a amazing caring sister)

Everyone has emotions and those are the things that cause mine. What things make you happy?


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