If we are being realistic I wouldn’t be able to bring any of this stuff because mars has no outlets, wifi, and stuff like that. We are going to pretend that Mars has wifi and stuff like that. My first thing I would bring is my ipad, because I could video myself, talk to people and play games. The down side though is it might run out of battery and I don’t want to bring a portable charger because that would be another luxurie so I will have to charge it beforehand.
I would also bring a spa, I would want to do some relaxing well being in mars. I don’t know how to take it though because I can’t carry it and the water would fall out of the spa well we are on the spaceship. So I don’t know how that will work.
The last thing I would bring is my mum, because I will get lonely and scared. I could do fine without someone there but I need entertainment and if we are going to be real I would need help. I could do the things fine like driving the spaceship (if we are being fake) but help will make it faster so technically having my mum there is not a necessity. (it is in real life)
Luckily this is fake and i’m not actually going to mars because i would have died the first 2 seconds on mars, not even on mars in the spaceship. What would you take to mars?
If you want to see the other options hers is the link