Flying pork (shark/pony)

What is going inside this woman’s head you may be thinking, well I don’t know either. The task for this blog was to make a hybrid animal soooo I just made one and other people may be making like a unicorn/dragon or whatever but I don’t care. Anyways, the name of my animal is a pork (shark and a pony) and you may be wondering how it has wings? pony’s and sharks don’t fly well, when the pony’s genes get mixed with a sharks genes it creates wings somehow (totally).


The habitat of the pork is on the beach, why? They are half shark and half pony and ponies live on land and sharks swim in the sea, so it spends half its day on land and the other half in the sea. It is a native animal from New Zealand. It’s eats human flesh so if seen give it your arm and it will like you, just joking (or am I) it eats fish and seagulls.
Never angrier the pork, if you do stop, drop and roll, it will confuse and scare the pork because let’s face it you look weird and it will run. If you don’t do that it will chuck you 2 km away. Despite that it’s a real sweat and beautiful animal. It makes a sound that goes grrrreigh, very interesting.

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