Fur white as snow,
Cheeks have a very pink glow.
Tail fluffy as ever,
don’t think it’s very clever.
The thing walks on stage
after being let out of its cage.
Everyone is confused,
“Where is the magician and who are you”
“Hello, Hello,” said the bunny
“I really am just as funny,
You will see”
Everyone else disagrees
The bunny jumped and twirled,
Bumped and whirled,
Pulled coins from behind people’s ears,
People thought this was the best thing they’d seen in years.
The bunny disappeared and then reappeared in different spot,
Then changed people’s shirts around without getting caught.
The bunny made chairs float,
Changed coats,
Then brought a boat.
“Oh bunny Oh bunny you’re so cool,
Oh would you Oh would you give me a pool”
The bunny huffed and puffed with an angry face,
“Oh didn’t you, oh didn’t you think I was a big disgrace”
“Oh bunny we are all so sorry
Would you please accept this apology as we have given you all this glory.”
The bunny yelled NO,
Then took the cash,
And ran off in a dash.