First Day of School

I woke up at 6:45 on a Tuesday morning to beep beep, surprise, surprise it was my alarm. Every morning I hear that and it’s so loud and obnoxious, also my family is all asleep so the second I hear that I turn over quickly and hover my hand over the ground to try find my phone, keep in mind that I just woke up so my vision is so blurry so I can’t see anything. Once I manage to find my phone I have I click stop and go on my phone. I went on it for a minute then got up straight away. I was super tired and did not want to get changed or do anything, because I was not used to being up this early. Eventually I got ready, packed my lunch, unloaded the dishwasher, put my shoes on and was out the door. The whole car ride to school all I could talk about was the fact that today was my last first day of Primary School. I was a bit sad because I have been at the Gardens School ever since I was 5 and I’m 12 so that’s more than half my life.  


I arrived at school and walked up to the hall and sat down in the lines. I was trying to look for my friends and I eventually saw Georgia, Tayler, Rosery, and Pearl. It was exciting to see all the new teachers and what teachers were moved where and if there were any new kids etc. the teachers took us outside and read out the classes, I was really hoping I would be put with my friends, and I was put with Chelsea and Rosery so I was happy. I got to class then we started labelling our stationary and books, when I was labelling my pens it was so wonky. After that we went to morning tea. I ate my food then played volleyball with my friends. 


The bell went again and we went to go sit in Tamika. Miss Kelly explained the wataka and what the stuff meant. We walked back to our home space and started doing our wataka. After that we did our job applications,Miss Smith gave us these fake newsletters with all the jobs on it, it looked so cool. I ended up applying for hospice ambassador and pta ambassador. We went to lunch and my friends and I played volleyball again.


We came inside to have a hui, I can’t really remember what we talked about. Then we went to house games. I really enjoyed my first day of school and I am super sad that it was my last first day.


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