Ambury farm


Ambury farm is a farm (no kidding) located in New Zealand at Māngere Bridge Auckland. It’s known for its beautiful nature and for being a regional park. There is an extensive history of Māori settlement in the Māngere Mountain area, and there are 95 archaeological sites (a vault filled with historical and cultural artefacts with valuable information) around the park. During the European settlement the park was used as a sewage treatment. By the early 2000s, the park had become a popular school excursion, with 3-4 schools booked per week visiting the working farm.

The morning of the trip

I woke up and didn’t want to get up because I hate getting up in the morning. Luckily for me my school starts at 8:50 and I live 20-25 minutes away (that was sarcasm if you don’t understand it but anyways). I got up at 7:40 because I don’t take that long to get ready for school. On the car ride to school my mum was going on and on about how her “little girl” doesn’t want her to come to her trip. I can’t believe I’m mentioning this.


I arrived at school and put my bag in the classroom and then I walked back down to see my friends. The bell rang and we went inside and did the roll. They talked about our manners and other stuff like that. We finally were able to get on the bus, it was a twisty bus and I got to sit in the twisty seat. It wasn’t that fun though. We got to the farm at 9:50 and when I got out of the bus a big breeze came to me, it smelt like poo and I’m not saying that’s bad because I know it’s a farm but still.


Favourite part (1:00)

I’m just going to say my favourite activity because if i go through all of them it will be too long. We did a big walk around the farm and I met some animals. The first stop we saw cows. There was this very friendly cow that I named peach and there was also a very lazy cow that my friend named Ed Sheeran (he was ginger). We went over to the sheep but they were annoying and they were being lazy. People saw the horses so we started running to them. They were annoying as well, they weren’t coming to us. We found the chickens and we went inside the chicken coop. I loved the chickens but then I saw the turkey, I got so scared and tried running away. We walked around and there

Was nothing new but then we saw an escaped pig so we backed away because we didn’t want her to attack us. It got boring because there were no new animals until I saw a lamb. It was so sweet.

The piece of cardboard

There was once a school that had over 600 crazy people. One night the principal of the school decided she wanted an expo of some sort. The next day the children of the school got ready for the expo and I was a victim. 


Some strange man put me in his car and took me to school. He put me in a pile with other things. The bell rang and children came flooding in. nothing happened until about 4 and a half hours later. The guy who put me in his car was called Mr Wong, that’s what the children were saying at least. I was sitting there about to take a nap until the children started running at me.


A group of 5 children picked me up and took me and then sat down. They were talking about some plan and they were on these metal block things that when you touch or swipe it moves and changes. Finally they finished talking and went to talk to Mr Wong. I saw them come back with scissors. 


Then THEY CUT ME!!! I SCREAMED AND SCREAMED FOR HELP BUT KNOW ONE HEARD ME. THEY TURNED MY BLOOD AND FLESH INTO CHAIRS, LADDERS AND BEDS. I was depressed and in pain. It was the day, wednesday 23rd of november the day the set up the expo.


They took my corpse down to the hall and placed me on a table. I was there overnight alone until I woke up and there were people staring at me saying I looked amazing, me? Amazing, my cut up corpse is amazing?

Flying pork (shark/pony)

What is going inside this woman’s head you may be thinking, well I don’t know either. The task for this blog was to make a hybrid animal soooo I just made one and other people may be making like a unicorn/dragon or whatever but I don’t care. Anyways, the name of my animal is a pork (shark and a pony) and you may be wondering how it has wings? pony’s and sharks don’t fly well, when the pony’s genes get mixed with a sharks genes it creates wings somehow (totally).


The habitat of the pork is on the beach, why? They are half shark and half pony and ponies live on land and sharks swim in the sea, so it spends half its day on land and the other half in the sea. It is a native animal from New Zealand. It’s eats human flesh so if seen give it your arm and it will like you, just joking (or am I) it eats fish and seagulls.
Never angrier the pork, if you do stop, drop and roll, it will confuse and scare the pork because let’s face it you look weird and it will run. If you don’t do that it will chuck you 2 km away. Despite that it’s a real sweat and beautiful animal. It makes a sound that goes grrrreigh, very interesting.


What does it mean to be a courageous police officer

There are 6 different values: respect, empathy, commitment, diversity, professionalism, and integrity. Respect is when someone cares and is patient with one another. Empathy is when you feel sorry for someone but you take action and instead of feeling just sorry you help them. Commitment means you do something and you’re committed to it. diversity is the opposite of racism. Professionalism is where you don’t let your personal life get in the way of your work and other things like studying. Integrity is when you do the right thing without it benefiting you and your life.

What do police officers do/wear and what can they do

People may think that police officers just arrest bad people and throw them in jail but in reality they try to help more so them in jail/prison. They also do some other work like giving people tickets or being a security guard and there is much more but there are different police for different jobs. They wear bulletproof vests and tons of stuff around then that they need like, radio, pepper spray, handcuffs and tourniquet. Police can track phone calls so lets say you have a emergency were you cant talk they can track your phone calls and send help, so if you prank call 111 they can track you and give you a big fine.

What 3 luxuries would you bring to mars?

If we are being realistic I wouldn’t be able to bring any of this stuff because mars has no outlets, wifi, and stuff like that. We are going to pretend that Mars has wifi and stuff like that. My first thing I would bring is my ipad, because I could video myself, talk to people and play games.  The down side though is it might run out of battery and I don’t want to bring a portable charger because that would be another luxurie so I will have to charge it beforehand.

I would also bring a spa, I would want to do some relaxing well being in mars. I don’t know how to take it though because I can’t carry it and the water would fall out of the spa well we are on the spaceship. So I don’t know how that will work.

The last thing I would bring is my mum, because I will get lonely and scared. I could do fine without someone there but I need entertainment and if we are going to be real I would need help. I could do the things fine like driving the spaceship (if we are being fake) but help will make it faster so technically having my mum there is not a necessity. (it is in real life)

Luckily this is fake and i’m not actually going to mars because i would have died the first 2 seconds on mars, not even on mars in the spaceship. What would you take to mars?

If you want to see the other options hers is the link



Canada is a country in Europe with a population of 38,654,738 million people and their languages are French and English. Canada first joined the commonwealth as an independent state in 1931 and ever since then they have been a great part of the evolution, they are also the biggest country in the commonwealth. The prime minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau, Trudeau has been elected five times  (2008, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2021). The capital city is Ottawa, Ottawa is known for its international music festivals, its record-breaking ice skating rink, and its beautiful nature. If you are going to visit canada i recommend you to go see it.



Canada day also known as Dominion day is a celebration of the process that ultimately brought together a union, it is celebrated on the first of july  (i didn’t understand it so look it up yourself). Thanksgiving day is an annual holiday where family and friends get together to give thanks and blessings for the year they had. 



Canadian culture is a mixture of British, French, and American influences, all of which blend and sometimes compete in every thing of cultural life. Their cultural clothing includes parkas, tuques, ojibwa shirts, mittens, ear muffs and so on. A popular canadian dance is the square dance also known as the folk dance. The folk dance is a dance that originated as a ritual among its characteristics and the dance has been used for generations. Canada is mostly known for their amazing maple syrup, ice hockey and moose.


John Walker was the one of the fastest runners in New Zealand with him coming second in the 500m run. 26 years ago he joined the Auckland committee but he believed that every child should know how to swim. So a couple years ago he got the help from other people to put money towards swimming lessons that were free.

On Wednesday I went to the swimming lessons with my school. We got split into two groups with one group going at 12:00 and the other at 12:30. I was put into the 12:00 one. The bus was late about 10 minutes after it needed to be here but the ride was fun going there. We just sat and talked and played hand games. When we got there we had to get changed but everyone already had their togs on under their uniform.

We got to the pool and we sat on the edge, they told us the riled and then we got in.They had us swim in freestyle to see what level we are in for swimming and I got into level 3. We all went off into our groups and got started. The first thing we did was swimming laps in different styles. Then we played a game where you had to try and pick up sticks from under the water but we had a challenge each time we went to go for e.g swimming with trying to balance something on your head or only using your arms well swimming. We has one time leftover so we convinced our coach (Tegan) To let us do a relay race. There were 2 groups and my group won.

We finished off and got out and got changed. I was the first one finished and I waited for a while then we left. In the bus it was quite fun, we did each other’s hair and talked and again played hand games. 

What makes me anxious and happy

Everyone has stuff that makes them angry, anxious, happy and sad. Here’s what makes me happy and anxious.

Something that makes me happy is my pets because they are cute and adorable and when I get home from school or a long stressful day my dog comes and licks me and plays with me and then when I go into my room one of my cats comes and cuddles with me. My mum and brothers (sometimes) make me happy. My mum makes me happy because she makes my dinner, takes me to school and does much more. My brothers make me happy because……. (I kind of have to put this here) they keep me entertained and…. That’s it besides the fact that they are annoying. Music also makes me happy because you can just relax and listen to music with all your feelings going away. It is kind of a coping mechanism for me.

The thing that makes me anxious is feeling alone. I mostly don’t but when I do I feel anxious because it’s weird (it’s hard to explain). What also makes me anxious is losing a loved one and not necessarily when they die, for example my brother’s situation that made me anxious. Another thing that makes me anxious is getting told off because no one likes getting told of and when I get told off I don’t talk as much.

What makes me happy and anxious at the same time is when my brother Brennan goes to high school because it’s too much to handle for him with stuff that can happen at high school like fights, vapes and idiots. I’m also happy he is communicating and doing his work though.

(mum if ur reading this i know i am such a amazing caring sister)

Everyone has emotions and those are the things that cause mine. What things make you happy?


Danae’s superhero blog

“Umm hi I guess how do I start this of um my name is Danae I’m 10 and I guess you can say I am a superhero, and I am not those heroes who defeat villains or the everyday heroes like doctors and police I am my own superhero and everyone a superhero so come with me and I will show you my powers”.


At school.

“Hi it’s me again and I will show you my super powers I use at school”.

“First I am a good friend for example I make my friends happy and I help make or friendship a better bond and I am a amazing leader and help people get out of there comfort zone now let’s go to….. my house!”

At Danae’s house.

“Ok where at my house my super powers here are being a good daughter and sister cause I care about my family and I try put a smile on everyone’s face”.


“I did not always know about my powers and I feel amazing and happy and good on the inside that I found out and you can two.”


“First you want to make a slide or get a piece of paper then your gonna make a slide or make a section and write someone’s name down but write someone who is very close to you and knows a lot about you after you do that write 3 more names of people that are really close to you and then send them the slides and hand them the paper and ask the people you have written down these 3 questions What comes naturally to me, what do you value the most about me, and what makes me special to you? After that you have your super powers.