S2-STEAM Guardians of the EARTH Kaitiakitanga


What do I know about the water cycle?:

The stages are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection and repeat. I know there are very complex versions of the water cycle.


What do I want to learn about the water cycle and cycles in natural?:

I want to know what each stage looks like in real life cycles.


What did you do on Tuesdays session?:

We were split into groups and we all had a jar of ice. Everyone made an opinion if the ice would change weight when it melted. We measured how heavy the jar was and then we put the jars in a bowl of hot water and waited until it melted. Once it was done we put the jar back on the scale and pretty much the same. We weren’t 100% if it was the same because our scale wasn’t super accurate.


Here is my drawing of Milford sound’s water Cycle