Rainbows End

I was running for my life in a haunted maze from some sort of zombie, ghostlooking bride thing. I was terrified until I caught up with my friend, Maggie. 


 “BLAME ME LATER!!” She shouted back at me. I accidently took a wrong turn and got separated from Maggie. “Oh no” I kept running as fast as I could but ran into a dead end. I fell to the ground and was terrified for my life when I started remembering everything that happened until now. 


Maggie, Emma and I were having a girls sleepover on Saturday the 30th of October. One night before Halloween when Maggie started telling scary stories. One was about this weird, old, abandoned place called Rainbows End. 

“Apparently, three girls went missing the night of Halloween at Rainbows End. People say, they haunt the place forever, ” Maggie said. 

“Wow, cliché much, Maggie. That’s like the most basic, scary story EVER!!” 

“Jess, I don’t know. That was pretty scary” 

“Emma, you just get scared easily. It’s nothing to worry about.” 

“That’s what you think, Jess. Tomorrow night, if you still don’t believe me then we could go see if I am lying or not. I know the address to the place “

“Ok, sure.” I said. 

Little did I know that this would be the biggest mistake of my entire life. 


October 31st 2060 (Halloween)

Most of the time I don’t really do anything for halloween. My parents always say it’s an American thing and we shouldn’t celebrate it and whatnot; but this year was going to be different because we were going to that Rainbows End place and it was going to be fun.

“What’s the answer to number five?” I asked Emma, glaring down at the test.

“I don’t know. I’m not up to that yet”

 “Girls, no talking in my class. This is a test. If I hear one more peep out of you then you’re staying in for lunch”, 

“Sorry, sir” I said and looked back down at my paper. “God I hate this place. I wish we could go to that Rainbows End place like right now. That would be so much fun” 

Little did I know that I would absolutely hate it there. 


When the bell rang, I caught up with Emma and asked if she was going to come to Rainbows End. 

“I don’t know. I mean, maybe. Like, I wanna see if Maggie is telling the truth or not but what if she is, then what will happen to us “

“If she is then we will just run out. Simple as that”, 

“Yeah sure then”, 

“Great. We can ask Maggie where to meet us”, 

“Ok” she said and started walking off to her next class. I was going to start walking to but someone pinned me to a locker. 


“Aw, what are you going to do, cry?”, 

“Maybe try to be original, Stacy” 

“ugh” she unpinned me from the locker and ran away. 

“God, this school is like something out of a high school drama, am I right?” I said to the person behind me. “You know, instead of talking, you should be going to class” I turned around and stared at the person standing behind me. 

“Oh great”. It was the principal. He gave me a dumb warning card and told me to head off to class. 



After school I called Emma and told her to meet Maggie and I at the playground by the school. She agreed and I was called down to the kitchen. 

“Jess, you know that me and your father love you, right?” Mumbled mum

“Yes?” I said confused

“And you know that whatever you do or whatever you become, we will still love you to bits, right” 


“Well,.. uhh,… so…” 



“WHAT?!” I screamed. 

“But you guys love each other…”  

“Honey, t-that’s only on the outside, we hide it all just to keep you happy” 

“I’m sorry, I need a minute” I said and ran up to my room. I frantically grabbed my phone and called both Emma and Maggie. 

“Everyone has to leave now” 


“no, buts. NOW!!” I said and hung up. I dashed downstairs and ran out of the door. My parents tried to stop me but I pushed them away. They’re the ones that made me do this


After a while of waiting at the park they both finally arrived. 

“Jess, what do you want?!” 

“Yeah, why were we called so early? We were supposed to do it at 12:00pm”, 

“Yeah well plans changed. We are going to walk there now”, 

“But why?” 

“Because I am having a really bad night and right now, I need something to distract myself with so let’s go!” I said and started walking but Maggie stopped me. 

“We can’t walk there,it’s too far. We need a vehicle” she said. 

“We could steal my dads one” 

“Wait, we are going to be stealing. I didn’t sign up for this” Emma said with concern. 

“Don’t worry Emma, I will steal it and drive so you guys won’t get in trouble, trust me” 

“ok” she said so we stole my dads car and drove off. 


“Oh my god” Maggie said, yanked open the car door and started spewing outside. 

“I would say, I’m a pretty good driver” 

“That’s your opinion” Emma said and got out of the car. I rolled my eyes and followed her out. We all stood in front of the scary looking Rainbows End and walked in. At first it all seemed as normal as an abandoned theme park would be. It was really dirty, there were holes in things around the park and basically, everything was rusting. We walked further into the park and Emma started getting more and more scared. “Guys I might turn around. I’m getting the creeps” 

“Ok Emma. Just wait in the car and we will come back soon” I replied and she walked towards the exit. 

“I guess you were lying, Maggie. What do you have to say for yourself?” 

“AHHHHHH!!” We heard Emma scream. 

“Emma?!” We called out but no response. 

“Emma if you’re playing a silly joke, it’s not funny” I hit Maggie on the head. 

“Emma wouldn’t do this…” I said and walked closer to where Emma was. “It’s like there’s no trace of her ever being here” I said. 

“We should probably go” Maggie said and I agreed so we tried to walk out of Rainbows End but the doors were locked shut. 

“No, no, no, no, no, NO!!” I tried to scream for help but no one came. 

“Hey, at least I wasn’t lying” I slapped Maggie on the face. 

“SHUT UP!! THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES!!” I screamed. Maggie turned around and started walking away from me but then ran back to me and pushed me in front of her.



Standing before me was a real life, terrifying ghost. 

“RUN!!” I shouted. I ran one way and Maggie ran the other. I think the ghost was separated into two because one was chasing me and the other was chasing Maggie. I ran up, down and around things but it wouldn’t stop chasing me so I went into this crazy maze. I had no idea where I was going so I just kept running and running and that brings me to now. I got separated from Maggie and cornered in the maze by a ghost. I thought that would be the end of me but Maggie came in behind it and whacked it on the head with some sort of bottle thing. The ghost held its head in pain and Maggie kept and kept on whacking it until it fell to the ground. 


“No time. We just need to get out of this place.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the exit. 


We both stood in front of it and started walking towards it when I was pulled back by… EMMA?! She held A knife to my neck and said something about not letting us leave alive. 

“Maggie must kill herself to let Jess walk free and if she refuses… you both die” 

We were both shocked. 

“What do I use to kill myself with?” Maggie mumbled. 

“NO!! JUST RUN. SHE WON’T BE ABLE TO KILL BOTH OF US!!!” Emma chucked a gun on the ground  and told Maggie to use that. 

“I’m sorry Jess” 


BANG!! She fell to the ground and blood started oozing out. 


I pushed Emma away and ran towards Maggie’s helpless body. Her eyes were turning pale and she was getting cold. Tears started pouring out of my eyes and I screamed in sadness and hugged Maggie’s dead body. Emma grabbed my hair and dragged me over to a nearby fountain and started drowning me. I frantically grabbed her hand and flipped her over which ended in her getting pretty badly hurt. I grabbed the gun from Maggie and shot her twice in the chest. 

“Holy moly” I said to myself. “I just killed a person” 

I dropped the gun and ran away. BANG!! 

To be continued…