Benefits to the Gardens Community

To the lovely, Mrs Fowler

I have a proposal to help with being Kaitiakitanga around the gardens but first, in case you don’t know what Kaitiakitanga means, it is the guardianship of the environment. Anyways I think it would be a fantastic idea because…


REASON 1: Why it would benefit us:

We could go on walks maybe once or twice a term around either the school or the gardens (School for the year 0-4, and the Gardens for year 5-8) and while walking we could pick up any rubbish we see and also learn about being Kaitiakitanga and our native plants. Also, when we go on these walks, it could count as PE for the week so that could let Miss Waston plan cooler stuff like Cross Country, Athletics, waterday, tournaments, ect. 


REASON 2: Why it would benefit the Gardens/community:

If we did do this then the gardens would be cleaner and the Puhinui stream would be too! And animals would be safe from eating other people’s rubbish like dogs, birds and ducks. The people in the community would probably be happier too because they wouldn’t be walking around in other people’s rubbish. And of course the environment would be cleaner too right?


REASON 3: How it could benefit the community:      

It would make everyone happier because they hopefully wouldn’t be seeing rubbish everywhere like on the side of the road or in the bushes. And in the gardens, it would be cleaner and people dogs wouldn’t be eating random stuff they find while walking. 


And that’s why I think going on walks around the gardens and the school will help the Puhinui stream and the community as well because it would be cleaner, less messy, less gross and safer for the animals that live in its habitats.