If I could domesticate any animal in the world, what animal would it be and why?

For this week’s Blog, the topic was, If you domesticate any animal what animal would it be and why. So sense my favorite animal is a wolf, why not choose it. 

If I could domesticate any animal I would definitely choose a black wolf because 1. They are my favorite animal, 2. They are good at protecting and hunting and 3. THEY ARE FREAKING ADORABLE AND MAJESTIC!!!

I would also choose wolf because they are the closest relative to dogs and sense dogs are already domesticated then the second option would just be wolf. People are probable wondering, “Elaine, why so specific? Why not just get any colour of wolf?” Well, I would be happy with any colour of wolf but with a black wolf, the wolf can hide in the shadows and never be caught, I mean, I did say I would use him for hunting.

I would probably name him Shadow, Leo, Chase or Link because Trust me I know they are quite common names but I really wanted to name my family’s puppy one of these names but we ended up changing it so now I have a chance.

Let’s just say, In conclusion I would love to have a wolf as a pet.


One thought on “If I could domesticate any animal in the world, what animal would it be and why?

  1. Great ideas, but I thought dogs might be domesticated wolves? I could be wrong. Please feel free to do some research and prove me wrong. Thank you!

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