


Have you ever seen a plastic water bottle roaming around, or a chip bag? That’s called pollution/littering and it’s HORRIBLE! Pollution is a big thing and even a small thing such as a plastic bag could harm our environment.

Ocean dumping
Most likely you’ve swam in the ocean before, and you probably know that there’s life in the ocean/ aquatic life, but at the moment that life is dying, from… pollution! In one minute 33 billion pounds of litter is added to the ocean, over all 5.25 trillion pieces of Pollution overall in the ocean. Just imagine seeing all that rubbish in one group! The ocean is 71% of our planet and its heavily polluted and with the other 29% well I would want to say it’s clean but sadly I can’t because that 29% has 292.4 million tonnes!

Yes there’s a lot of litter/pollution in the ocean but there’s also tons on land! I’m guessing you’ve been on a walk more than once in your life, well just imagine walking around your city and seeing 1.6 million tons, yes you heard me 1.6 million tons! Have you ever seen those couches, or bed frames on the side of the road, well that’s called illegal dumping and it’s horrible! As you can see littering is a big part of pollution and is mostly our fault.

Humans and their problem

Fossil fuel, one of the main problems in pollution. Yes fossil fuel is natural but that’s not the point, when humans burn fossil fuel it releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the air. Some humans think the ground is a perfect rubbish bin but they don’t know how far something as small as a bottle cap can kill so many different types of animals, eg: birds, rabbits, or so much more! Just take a look at our polar bears, our actions have made them lose their natural beautiful land.


Yes humans caused all of this horrible stuff to happen but we can also fix it! Something as small as picking up a water bottle can go a long way, just imagine if everyone picks up at least one piece of rubbish. So next time you see a rubbish bin don’t avoid it and throw your rubbish on the ground, guess what its actually there for a reason!

It’s horrible with the results we have gotten because of our actions and what we have done is not erasable but can still slowly be fixed. As you can see pollution comes in many ways and all of them are horrible for our planet, killing animals, plants, and more! After that I hope that next time you see a plastic bottle or bag you pick it up and put it in the bin (because it’s not there for decoration).