In S.T.E.A.M, we have been learning about wasps! We crafted a poster and had to choose between The Common Wasp (Vespula Vulgaris) or the German Wasp (Vespula Germanica). I Chose the Common wasp. Here are some details about the Common Wasp.
1.Firstly their Habitats (Nests) are naturally found in gardens, garages, hollow trees, sheds, walls, sinks, cabinets and more!
2. The common wasp originates from Europe, North Africa, And Parts of Asia, to be specific they originated in Pakistan and Northern China. It was introduced to New Zealand In the late 1970s.
3. Wasps are social creatures. Social creatures have a nest, queen, workers, and they nurse their larvae. They spread especially during wasp season (Which is in the summer) and are most aggressive during Autumn.
4. Finally, this is their description. They have a black abdomen, with bright yellow stripes, and black dots. They have thick antenna and beady killer – like eyes. Upon their faces lies a thin furry coat of hairs. Thin, shimmering gossamer brown orangey wings nestle against their bodies, ready for flight. Workers are precisely 11-14mm while queens are 20 – 25mm.