Limerick Poems

A limerick always includes 5 lines.  In a Limerick, the first, second and last line have to rhyme. Where the 3rd and 4th lines also have to  rhyme. Limericks have a rhythm, which is called the rhyme scheme. The rhyme scene goes like this: AABBA. Limericks are bouncy and fun, they might be about a silly character or a silly situation. If you want, you can add poetic devices. If you wrote a limerick make sure to add punctuation. A limerick makes people smile and laugh. Limericks were included especially in the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (publishes in 1791).
Here are my poems

The mischievous kitten midnight

Jumped up in the air and took full flight

but she began to fall

and spotted a shiny red ball

she ran away and hid, not putting up a fight.


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