Today in steam, we learnt about the body parts and differences of the cicada and wētā. Here is my labeled pictures, questions and answers.
Q. What are the similarities and differences between the cicada and wētā?
A. They both have, a head, a thorax and abdomen, legs and antennae.Cicada has small legs but are good for digging and the weta and has strong thick legs. The cicada nymph burrows underground while the wētā hides under rocks and old logs.
Q. How do you think the differences affect the way the insects live, move or defend themselves?
A. The cicada has wings, and is smaller so they can fly around easier. They are small and quick not easy to catch, while the wētā is bigger. The weta has a stronger exoskeleton and can lift their hind legs to look large and spiky (to defend themselves). Cicadas usually travel with others and don’t have any defensive features.
Q. Can you name other insects that have these characteristics?
A. Plant-hoppers and leafhoppers are similar to cicadas Wētās are related to locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and katydids.
Q. The wētā interactive has a label for spiracles, but the cicada interactive does not. Does this mean that wētā don’t have spiracles? How do you know?
A. Cicadas have spiracles, you just can’t see them. They have 10 pairs, 2 on the thorax 8 on the abdomen. Their spiracles are on the bottom side of cicadas, so you can’t see them.