Today I am spend the day with my grandma so this a a story about me spending with my grandma we did something fun stuff
This morning when I woke up I would always say hi to my grandma, so like every day I would say hi to grandma and grandpa but grandpa was doing something today so I got to spend all day with my grandma. This morning after I said hi to her I went to fell up her water bottle because she always finish it so after I fill up her water bottle I ask her if she wants some musi ( crackers ) so I ask her then she said ok every time I wake I would ask her or she would ask me can you put the tv on to her channel. But when it was gonna go to Lunch time I ask her if she wants to play uno but before that happen my grandpa came back and brought us food for me and her would eat our pies that grandpa got then when we were finish I ask her if she wants to play uno and she said ok so I went to go get the card game then we started playing we was playing. For ages I kept putting done a card which makes the aver person get 2 cards or 4 cards it was so funny.we played through so many rounds and I didn’t know she could shuffle the cards so all those games she shuffled it then we would start playing all the time she would always win then sometimes I would when so when it was the last round when she was putting cards done I was getting cards from the card stack so when she was on the last 3 cards she put down the swarp card so it swap so I gave her all my cards and she gave me all her cards then I won because the last 2 cards that she had before the cards swarp was the same so I won because of that.
After that she ask me if I want fababa which is basically a Samoan food it’s like a banana cake but home made so she gave it to because I said yes then we ate it all .When we was playing that card game we were laughing some much it was so funny she won so much games!. but anyways back to when we was eating fababa it was so yummy a specially when you add butter and jam my grandma made it like the night before it was still yum even Doe it was fun playing with my grandma in uno.When we all done then me and my grandma sat down on the couch but before We did that I ask her if she wants her bottle and she said yes after that when I sat on the couch we was watch her show but after it was 30 minutes then I got bored so then I was playing with my hand ball and then stopped to watch her show then went back to play with my hand ball.
When I was going upstairs to go look at the time I would all ways say bye to her every time when I go upstairs she would ask if I was going to school or going somewhere then I would reply I going upstairs then I would go downstairs and do nothing beside playing with my hand ball and watching Tv with my grandma then I ask her if she want to play that card game which was uno and she said ok then as soon as we start she put down a +4 card on my I was laughing because I put a + 2 card then she started laughing when she put a +2 card but I ran out so I had to pick up 8 cards as when I got those 8 cards I had gain a swap card then I put it down then we swapped so I got her 6 cards and she got my 13 cards so that was funny then she use 4 same number cards then now she was down to 9 and I was still on 6 because I don’t have same number card or same couple ca4 as that card that my grandma place then she won she won half of the time and I won half of the time then we stoped for some reson then we bofore got tired then we went back to tv agin
When it was night time after I finish eating my dinner and after my grandma eating her dinner I just sat in the chair and going on my ipad for a little get then watching tv for a little bit then I went to play games with my my brother and sister but before I sat down I said hi to her after I sat down and play games I went to go upstairs to see what’s my siblings doing then I went back down and said hi to her again.