The History of Peter Jackson



Peter Jackson is a New Zealand film director that made some of his most famous movies like Peter Jackson’s version of King Kong,the lord of the rings trilogy and the hobbit trilogy.

Peter Jackson’s childhood:

Peter Jackson grew up in Wellington and was born on October 31st 1961. When Peter Jackson was growing up he didn’t have that much money. He started to develop his love for films as a child because he was inspired by the adventures he had all around his home. The first school he ever went to was a private high school called kāpiti colladge . Wich was Peter Jackson’s first school that he had every went to in his life

What was his first movie: 

Peter Jackson’s  first film that he had made. Was in 1987 It was a horror movie called Bad taste. Bad taste was all about aliens harvesting New Zealanders for their cosmic restaurant. The films budget was about  25.000 dollars to make the first part but they weren’t to sure if they had enough to make the  rest of the movie .But they had to wait for  4 years to make the rest of the movie because they had the rest of the money for it .Peter jackson had to pay 235.000 dollars  for the rest of the movie to be finish. That was a lot of money that Peter Jackson use.To make the movie but.He was waiting for if his first movie Bad taste was successful or not… after that he soon began to make aver films like Peter Jackson version of King Kong , the lord of the rings trilogy  and the hobbit trilogy. bad taste was all made at his home using clay and aluminium tubing to make the mask and the weapons shown in the movie

What was his most famous movie?: 

His most famous movie was the lord of the rings trilogy.Peter Jackson got the lord of the rings after meeting with producer Saul Zaentz.He had at least made 22 movies based on the parts of movie lord of the rings . Over 500-750 million people all a around  the world watched the lord of the rings. After he made the film he made a  profit of about 2 billion dollars  making him a billionaire and making him win lots of rewards that was about the lord of the rings film and the hobbit film

How many rewards he had achieved during the film making of his movies :

Peter Jackson has been awarded three Academy Awards for The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit (2003), including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay. His other awards include three BAFTAs, a Golden Globe, two Primetime Emmy Awards and four Saturn Awards among others

In conclusion 

Peter Jackson loved filming as a child.Some of his films were based on the adventures that he had all around his home.Peter Jackson made lots of famous movies.He had  also won lots of rewards because of his famous movies like the hobbit and the lord of the rings. One of his  rewards.Was one of the best films ever. Having over 750 million people all around the world seeing his film


3 thoughts on “The History of Peter Jackson”

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