instructions to uno
Uno is a skill/luck based game it usually depends on what card you have and what card your opponent has the maximum of players are 2-10 or how much cards you have
- Each person has 7-11 cards depending on how much people you playing with You can put down a card that are the same colour or same number as the card that was putted down
- + cards plus card are use to give aver people cards or when someone put a plus card down and it’s your turn you can put down a plus card but if you don’t then you have to pick up the amount that the plus card showed like +2 or can get up to as many of plus cards you or they put down
- Skip your turn card lets you skip the next’s persons turn so that means they can’t put down a card until it’s there game again
- Reverse card you have to go the opposite way that you were playing before
- You can pick up a card and put it down but it has to be the same colour or number because it still counts as your turn
- You can’t end in a power card
- You can stack you cards if you have if you have 2 or 6 cards of the same colour and number you can put it down you can put as many card that are the same number and colour
- You gotta have 1 last card that ain’t a power card to win you gotta say uno before getting to 1 card or else you have to pick up 2 cards .
- the best uno card pack is no mercy Cause all the cards are harder so instead of a plus +4 there’s a plus 10+ the gets incredibly times harder cause you gotta watch out for every one cause they might put a +10 on you when it’s your turn and that you called uno
Great job Ethan! This is a very interesting and entertaining piece of writing. You did really well at explaining each step to play uno. Next time you could maybe think about adding a photo displaying the game and also go over your punctuation. Nice piece of writing Ethan.
Ethan, you’ve clearly stated what I’m ready about, in the title. This texts shows them the method on how to play uno and which it’s very clear to read. There’s steps included so I know exactly what order to go in. One thing you will need to add, as this is an instructional text, is the materials, since this is only a card game you will only need say, a full deck of uno cards. In my opinion you could also put in, is where the people need to sit. In general this is really good, great job!
Hey Ethan, I like to play uno too and I’m glad you’ve written this it would help me to understand better.
The clearly stated title makes the text understandable. The numbered steps enforce a good quality instructional text. Next time, I would consider adding an introduction and conclusion sentence but good job!