Would you rather be a cowboy or the clown?

If you would chose between a bull rider that rides bulls and get fame  or a clown that saves your life from getting killed  or geting slam on from a bull who would you chose 

If it was me I would chose to be a clown instead of a bull rider because I would save the bull rider from being killed and also do some jokes and sea fide my life to save to bull rider

I would be a clown on the radio .so I  Can make the bull come after me but when it’s coming after me and run out of breath then I would make it go after someone else then I can watch them while having a drink and then make the bull come after me

And also I want to be a clown so can make jokes and so funny laughter hahahahahahahahaha oh yea when the bull comes after me and when I go flying I’ll try to land on him then get of before he flings me also if I was a clown I wanna try to sit on bull and try to make it die because I put the uno reverse instead me dieting the bull dies instead of me so when I go to a a naver radio the bull would scared me instead me getting chased by it so the bull well get over and running away for me and I would confuse of it wondering why is it running away from and the bull rider would owe me for saving him and if I was a clown I wanna push off the bull rider and ride the bull  one last reason I want to sacrifice to help the rider and also if I was a clown and getting chase by the bull I would run marathon to make the bull stop

Swimming lessons

When I was at school me and my class was getting ready for the bus to come because we was going swimming because we get to go there for free!because some paid it for us and that person was John Walker. He was one of the fastest runners for New Zealand 2 years ago. He wanted school kids to do swimming lessons for free so he and some other people put their money in and let us go to swimming lessons for free.

When we went to manurewa leisure center. We had to go to the bathroom to get change. When we all got changed we had to wait for the coach to tell us to get in the water. when we got in the water we had to go in a line I didn’t know what was happening until I soor people had to race  I got excited because I wanted to vs some one it took for ages for to get in front of the line when I was in the line I soor mr wrong other teacher who came with us taking a photo I was wondering what’s he doing with that camera when I was think I forgot about the line so I quickly run to top of the line before. You know it I’m all ready in front of the line I was ready to go when I go I soor the aver person going faster than me but when I went to the finish I got put into group 1 and the aver person group 2 I was yea in my mind oh yes how they decide which group you in they see what do you need to prove on.

When I was in group one we did a race again it was the same race as the first race 

I got angry because I didn’t want to do the race again but I did it anyway after that the person teach us different kicking tack necks when he made use go to the wall and hold on to the railing I was doing my kicking what i did in the race when the teach moved my leg to do it this way it felt weird but I feel faster but once we done with that we did the race again I was ready since I learned how to swimming faster because of that person when we go I went faster than before then I bettered the. Person who was versing me I Was so happy because I atchaly beated  someone in swimming. Then we were finish of that then we had to do a running race then I came in 3 or 4 place I think I don’t really know then we use the had bord we also did a race with that which was realy easy and kinda hard then we was done.

When we came to the swimming pools, I got on to a van it was the same as the bus but cooler we also got a new bus driver when everyone was yelling he didn’t care but I made everyone  quiet because I went to sleep but when we came back from swimming everyone  was screaming and talking I couldn’t hear myself talking 

Then the bus driver stopped and grounded us but I was like but it wasn’t me it was everyone else.

Cross Country

What is cross country  cross country is where you run  from somewhere for example for me and my school we had to run around the whole area around the school not in the school like near the school now you know what’s cross country now. 


At school it was the day of cross country. Cross country doesn’t start until after morning tea or at lunchtime so it took ages for it just to start but when it started I had to wait ages.  just for the year 6 boys to run which Is me but before the year 6  boys run I had to wait for the year 0 girls and boys then year 1 girls and boys then year 2 girls and boys. But when they were doing that before the run I was sitting down so my legs didn’t get tired when.It was the year 5 boys I was cheering on for my friends I was like go Justin.  For a while but when it hit the year 6 girls I stood up and was ready for my race.  But   I felt nervous to run because I know it was a long run and also something bad might happen so when they called out year 6 boys I got nervous and also happy at the same time so I can get over it and be done with. You know what was the bad thing was that we had to take of our jumpers for the run so when I went on I was so could because I had no jumper on but when I went on we had to do some exercise to make us get ready for the run did you know I almost forgot the run because everyone was talking and screen so I couldn’t hear the person saying we going now  oh yea before that we was suppose to do the cross country at Totrā park but we couldn’t because over there was really muddy or flooded or something happen moving back to the run when we run there was so much people a hid but when I ran I was slowing down so it took so long for me and my friend since he stopped for me it took ages to get to the field that we came last but once we there we went to the tent to see what places we got I got second to last that’s  because of my leg it made me can’t run any more  but when I got back I was wondering who got first and second but then I relize it wad a kid who got sick the day before cross country but once we was all done I was charing on for my cousin called Broody the funny part was that he and his friends jump in the mud it was so fun doing the run a special with my friends. Oh yea when I finally went to the end I was so happy. 


The Scientist

Mr officer Chacalilo is an anxious researcher who skateboards in volcano crates. He’s scared of long hats. Whenever he ever touched or got near a long hat he would hide or run away from it. Mr Chacalilo wakes up super early. He wakes up at like  2am to 5am. The only food he eats is food you eat for dinner like literally and when it’s lunch time the only food he eats is frozen water with frozen hot soup. But when he has done all of that the first thing he does is go to his science lab and look at his telescope and watch when a meter comes but when it comes and crashes he gets out he’s really good at skateboard and does some sick moves he would do that for ages but after 2 days or 3 days he stops. Then he gets bored then goes back to the lab with his skateboard and waits until a meter comes but before he does the meter lands on his lab he would test in his lab to think when the next meter would come. But when it’s dinner he would just eat lasagna  and have a fizzy drink called Mountain Dew. He would watch  the stars waiting for a meteor to hit. Then after a few minutes of watching the stars then he would just jump into his bed and sleep.