Why Miss Thompson (Me) is the best teacher

My name is Miss Thompson and I am the maths teacher at The Gardens School. In fact I’m the best maths teacher you would have ever seen. I teach equations, number sequence and input and output numbers most days but some days it changes. Let me explain what each of these ways means so that you get an idea. Equation is where you add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers to get an end result number e.g 6+4-3=?. After adding them together you get an end number so for that equation it would be 7. Now number sequence, number sequins can be easy but it can get out of hand after a while. So here is an example on what it will look like 19, 21, 23 so what you need to do is see how many numbers each number is apart so it would be two. Now input and output numbers are very easy or very hard but the main idea of it is where you have a number then follow the steps it shows you and end with a new number. Now after telling you a bit about what i do let me explain why i’m the best maths teacher. Firstly whenever my students answer a question they get a lolly but if they answer it correctly they get two lollies. I also let my chosen students choose what to do sometimes but i like it too because that means no one for me to watch.

Georgia’s Fabulous Life

She was born on August 1st and weighed 3.17kgs. Her name is Georgia. As Georgia grew up she would spend most of the time playing with her four brothers Jericho, Vincent, Kaden and Xavier. When she moved to Auckland she went to The Gardens School and made many friends. She loved animals so much that at the age of 9 her parents got Georgia her own dog named Layla. As she got older she had a passion for animals and wanted to be a vet.


After graduating high school she went to the University of Auckland to study how to be a vet. A few months later she got a job as a vet and eventually got promoted to being the boss. Her dream of becoming a vet had come true and she loved the job she had. Even though she was only 21 she became very successful in life. Some days were sad for her because she had to deliver bad news but some days were great like playing with puppies.


A few years passed and things were going great until there was a war that started Ukraine. Even though Georgia was a vet she got very interested in this war so she would always watch the news about it. One night She was watching the news and found out some terrible news that families with pets had to leave their pets behind to die. Georgia wanted to change this so she thought of some ideas and went to the government to discuss their plan and sure enough they had agreed. Georgia’s plan was to fly to Iceland and bring along some pet care and pet cages so that families could bring their animals with them onto the plane and have a place to put their animals. Georgia’s plan worked and saved many animals’ lives. 


Ten years later, Georgia was out shopping for some pet supplies when the grocery store got robbed. Georgia tried to escape but as she was running the robbers recognised her face and got so jealous that they shot right down in her chest and she tragically died. Everyone was so devastated because she had saved many people’s lives that they carried on her legacy. They made a vet clinic in memory of her and many people went there. They also made a rescue team where whenever something like that happens they can do just what Georgia did to save those animals.