The Gardens School Science fair!

Live in 3, 2, 1 action! Hello and welcome back to Yes, that’s news. My name is Georgia and I will be your host for this session. Today we will be reviewing and looking at The Gardens School science fair led by students and teachers. This science fair has many types of categories like, fabrics, water, building, fiber, health and safety and many more interesting things. We have picked 6 of my personal favourite conceptions/creations to review. The 6 chosen ones are Greek pottery by Tui, Body health by Kahu, Volcano display by Kahu, Pressed flowers by Kakapo and Fibres and Fabric by Tui.


Our first review for today will be drum roll please……the volcano display!! There were about 10 different volcanoes but one specific volcano caught my attention. The name of that volcano is Whakarii mountain. It is 48 km from the north island bay of plenty with the elevation of 321 meters above sea level. The last eruption of this volcano was December 9 2019. I rate this creation a 9.5/10. Next up is pressed flowers by the Kakapo. They were testing out if dried up flowers worked better than fresh flowers. Their final pieces look absolutely astonishing! It was very bright but simple which is why I rate it a 8/10. 


This next one is a big favourite of mine, It’s the Greek pottery by the Tui’s. They made portraits of the famous vase of greek. They used to use the vase to tell stories about gods and heroes of Greek myths which is pretty cool. Their portraits were very creative, elegant and a very great representation of the original piece. 9.5/10. Sorry everyone, we will have to pause for a moment while we have had a little mishap of some kids spilling some experiment on the floor. Please bear with us for a moment as we deal with this. Thankyou for waiting patiently. Let’s carry on.


Next up is body health by Kahu. Their station had a mixture of exercises, what foods are good for you and hot to keep your body nice and healthy. I enjoyed their demonstrations of the exercise and seeing all the delicious food. It was very helpful and useful because half of these things I never knew. I think that they deserve a 9/10. Last but not least is fibres and fabric by tui hapori. For their experiment they were testing what materials can keep us warm, dry and the hardest fabric to catch on fire. They found that……………………………………………. Lots of this information was very new and very surprising. I also really enjoyed seeing their tents they built to demonstrate. 8.5/10


Overall their science fair was a really fun experiment! I would very much enjoy going again! What was your favorite creation/ or creations?


Ambury farm trip

Dear diary, 

Tuesday, 9:15am

Today is a day I’ve been looking forward to for a long time because I haven’t been on a trip in years! There was lots of excitement going through my head. I didn’t know if I was nervous, excited, apprehensive or just very overwhelmed. I left the house full of excitement waiting for the bell to ring and the bus to arrive. On the bus we went to Ambury farm, setting sail on the dirt road surrounded by beautiful ancient stone walls.


9:45 am

We finally arrived! Ambury farm at last. I can’t breathe in, not a chance. All I can smell is poop. We got introduced to the rangers Richard and Janine who welcomed us and explained what we are doing today. This is making me even more excited. Now it’s time to start snacking on something EXTREMELY healthy and nutritious food called chocolate chip cookies!!! Janine and Richard “while everyone is eating here are some basic rules” 

  • No chasing any animals
  • Don’t put ur fingers near animals faces
  • Toilets are in the corner 
  • Don’t annoy the animals
  • Have fun!

First activity for the day, sheep shearing. 


10:25 am

I am terrified and I’m sitting on the top of the bleachers. I can’t imagine being the two strong men shearing the rams. It smelt like a big bucket of sweat. What made it even worse was the humidity flowing through the room. We decided to go outside and talk about what we were seeing so that the other group could look before they finished shearing all the rams. Everyone was going wow, cool, fun while I’m over here saying poor sheep. I was curious about whether it hurt their skin but really it was a huge relief for them because they won’t be so hot. They shear the sheep at the start of summer so that they aren’t boiling during the heat and the start of winter for a clean layer to keep them warm. Their wool is very good for your skin because it has an oil named lanolin.


10:40 am

Hi Richard, what are we going to be doing now? We are going to be learning about fabric and what fabric comes from which animal, says Richard. I didn’t know that pig hair is used for brushes. ok everyone you will know turn right, go through that gate and be able to gaze around at the animals. 


11:10 am

These piglets are so cute! Since we are allowed to gaze around the farm I’m definitely going to check out the lambs. Wow, these cows are humongous and raucous. I wonder what they are saying? Why is everyone yelling? OMG! There is a peacock in the tree. It looks so pretty with the blue, green and yellow but they kind of look like mini avocados. Luckily I love avocados! Well not as much as my friend Pearl. Baaaaaa baaaaa look it’s a hurdal of lambs running around they are so cute I just want to take them home with me! But look over there, it’s a sheep dog rallying them up. I can never say no to a dog. Let’s keep looking around.


11:45 am

Guys come look, it’s a horse! Why are they so big? C why are they so big? Because they run a lot, eat lots of grass and are very lean with no fat! That’s very interesting. Pearl please put that down. You don’t even know if that’s a real horse toe nail it could be a stick or even very old dried up poop! Ewwwww. Tayler look, there is another horse over there but it’s not as big. Horses must need a lot of grass for just two of them because this is even bigger than my house. Rest of my group “can we go eat lunch now” “sure, let’s head over now but remember to wash your hands” says Mr Wong. 


12:05 pm

Lunch! Finally I’m so hungry from walking and talking. Mmmmm I have never enjoyed eating a sandwich more than I do now! Ooh next activity already we’re making felt. Nooo my feelings fell into the sink, can I make a new one? “Sure” says Janine. Ok so it goes fluff, sandwich it, drench ooh my. Favorite part…..bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. That made it very soapy. Ok now , rub, rub, rub, rub, rub ok break my arms are sore. And rub rub rub rub rub and done! Thank you Janine! That was so fun. Time for spinning!


1:25 pm

That’s spreading out so long. Quickly Tayler we need to try immediately! Ok ok, pull, pull, now you twist this way and I’ll twist this way. Keep going, oopsie it snapped let’s try yours. Ok pull, now twist, pull, twist……….it’s really long! Let’s fold in half now and keep twisting and pulling. Ok I think this is the end of it. Let’s tie it up to make a bracelet. Never mind it smells, I’ll just put it in my bag. I think we are getting ready to leave now, let’s get my bag then line up to get onto the bus. I bet lots of people are going to fall asleep on the bus! Hopefully I don’t. 


2:00 pm

Aww, we are leaving now. Thankyou Janine and Richard for hosting this for us! We really appreciate it. Hopefully we can come back to do a different section next time. Ka kite! On the bus back to school.

Kindness of a few words

I was in the car driving back from a tiring trip when I heard my older brother upset on the phone. I turned my head and saw him sitting there trying not to cry so that no one would hear him. We were five minutes away from the gas station so I decided to wait until we got there to ask what was wrong. Once we got there we all went in to get a snack but he stayed in the car so i did too. He asked what I was still doing in the car so I told him that I saw him crying. He said “no i just got something in my eye” I knew that was a lie so, I told him that he can trust me, so he handed me his phone. 

I went onto his emails and saw that he was kicked out of his rugby team because he was apparently terrible which is 100% a lie. He loves his rugby so much and he achieved his goal and now it’s all gone. I told him that their opinion doesn’t matter and that it’s how he feels about how he plays. I saw a smile light up on his face. I comforted him for a while which was very useful for him.


Say NO to Halloween!

Do you know what Halloween is really about? You may believe that Halloween is all about getting candy but it is actually about the dead spirits coming back alive and burning bonfires to ward them off. It originates back in the 9th century at the Celtic festival known as Samhain. At the festival they would come dressed up at night and have bonfires to ward off the spirits.


The reasons I don’t celebrate Halloween are 

  1.  When you search up the meaning of Halloween there are so many different versions meaning it could be made up.
  2.  On Halloween all you do is go trick or treating for candy at strangers’ doors so it’s kind of just doing what the government, teachers, ur parents and any grown up says not to do which is knocking on stranger’s doors.
  3.  It is just giving the costume shops of food shops so much money for one day’s worth which could be a waste of money.
  4. It involves a lot around ghost spirits and bringing stuff back to the dead and I don’t believe any of that stuff as well as my religion.


My full opinion is that Halloween is a waste of time and money with nothing useful happening. Although this is my opinion, other people can have different opinions and this doesn’t mean to stop doing it. This is just what I think about Halloween.




Is it a fox? Is it a fly? Is it a dolphin? No it’s a Flying Dixon 


That’s who you can hear right now. Zzzzzzzz, Thud! He is very lazy and clumsy so when he sleeps he makes A LOT of noise. Although he is very clumsy and lazy he is so caring for people and other animals around him and has a huge loving heart. He can’t really care for other humans other than people that visit me and myself because we live in a forest together in the middle of nowhere with other animals, but it is a special place for us. He has very luscious orange hair, smooth blue tail and bluey green wings.


 His abilities are very useful because he can just fly and get us food like pizza or ice cream (that’s his favorite). I usually end up giving him a bucket of grass with weetbix to help build those abs. Other than flying he can sing amazing songs so at night he sings to the whole forest and helps us fall asleep so peacefully and he can breathe out of water during the day but at night he sleeps in the water. 


Something special between Deon and I is that we have a secret language, that’s how I talk to him. Before writing this he wanted me to tell you something about our friendship “Ew era tseb sdneirf dna uoy nac reven tilps su pu” He was talking our special language he said “we are best friends you can never split us up.”