The Gardens School Science fair!

Live in 3, 2, 1 action! Hello and welcome back to Yes, that’s news. My name is Georgia and I will be your host for this session. Today we will be reviewing and looking at The Gardens School science fair led by students and teachers. This science fair has many types of categories like, fabrics, water, building, fiber, health and safety and many more interesting things. We have picked 6 of my personal favourite conceptions/creations to review. The 6 chosen ones are Greek pottery by Tui, Body health by Kahu, Volcano display by Kahu, Pressed flowers by Kakapo and Fibres and Fabric by Tui.


Our first review for today will be drum roll please……the volcano display!! There were about 10 different volcanoes but one specific volcano caught my attention. The name of that volcano is Whakarii mountain. It is 48 km from the north island bay of plenty with the elevation of 321 meters above sea level. The last eruption of this volcano was December 9 2019. I rate this creation a 9.5/10. Next up is pressed flowers by the Kakapo. They were testing out if dried up flowers worked better than fresh flowers. Their final pieces look absolutely astonishing! It was very bright but simple which is why I rate it a 8/10. 


This next one is a big favourite of mine, It’s the Greek pottery by the Tui’s. They made portraits of the famous vase of greek. They used to use the vase to tell stories about gods and heroes of Greek myths which is pretty cool. Their portraits were very creative, elegant and a very great representation of the original piece. 9.5/10. Sorry everyone, we will have to pause for a moment while we have had a little mishap of some kids spilling some experiment on the floor. Please bear with us for a moment as we deal with this. Thankyou for waiting patiently. Let’s carry on.


Next up is body health by Kahu. Their station had a mixture of exercises, what foods are good for you and hot to keep your body nice and healthy. I enjoyed their demonstrations of the exercise and seeing all the delicious food. It was very helpful and useful because half of these things I never knew. I think that they deserve a 9/10. Last but not least is fibres and fabric by tui hapori. For their experiment they were testing what materials can keep us warm, dry and the hardest fabric to catch on fire. They found that……………………………………………. Lots of this information was very new and very surprising. I also really enjoyed seeing their tents they built to demonstrate. 8.5/10


Overall their science fair was a really fun experiment! I would very much enjoy going again! What was your favorite creation/ or creations?


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