My first week of 2024 term 1 was a hectic but enjoyable week.
The first day of school was a lot of preparing and setting ourselves up for success. We found out our classes, our new teachers and labelled all of our stationary. I was filled with excitement when I found out I got Mrs Kelly. Then for the next day or two we had kahu expectation rotations. These rotations explained more in depth on how kahu will be, what will be different, all the expectations that come with being in kahu and setting up our P.A.Ls (Portfolio of assessment and learning) and our google drives.
Along with kahu comes many leadership roles which is why we have to apply for jobs! These jobs come with a big responsibility so the teachers have to make a good but hard decision on assigning jobs which is why we have to apply. The applications make the teachers’ choices slightly easier and will help them understand what we will bring to the table.
During the week, a few of us girls had softball trials for the upcoming softball tournament in week 4 but, unfortunately, our field is under construction to prevent accidents happening so we had to walk 5 minutes up the road to a bigger area.
Lastly on Friday we had a writing assessment. We had to write a recount on a memory we had with our whānau so I wrote about going up north. Aside from the writing assessment we got to have HOUSE GAMES. House games are one of my favourite parts of the week because it’s always a fun time to have a break, do some fun activities and enjoy being active after a crazy week.
What a great week back! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings in 2024