Frog and Josh

Staring at that frog as lonely as a rock

Looks like he’s trying to find his missing glock,

Strumming a song on his guitar

Retracing the steps that didn’t take him far,


The fish sprints by going splish, splash, splosh

While the frog is still thinking about his glock named Josh,

He is a broken heart on the rock

Oh look! he checks his pocket in a tock,


What was a million years later

His life teleported to something greater!

Look at that frog not as lonely as a rock

Looks like he found his missing glock.

*credit to Once upon a picture for the image.

2 thoughts on “Frog and Josh”

  1. I like how interesting the story is about the frog finding his glock
    I also like how calm the poem is it ain’t to crazy or scary the poem is it’s just a relax and calm poem

    Next time there won’t be a next time cause you have made the story interesting and you made the scenery all calm

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