Why Miss Thompson (Me) is the best teacher

My name is Miss Thompson and I am the maths teacher at The Gardens School. In fact I’m the best maths teacher you would have ever seen. I teach equations, number sequence and input and output numbers most days but some days it changes. Let me explain what each of these ways means so that you get an idea. Equation is where you add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers to get an end result number e.g 6+4-3=?. After adding them together you get an end number so for that equation it would be 7. Now number sequence, number sequins can be easy but it can get out of hand after a while. So here is an example on what it will look like 19, 21, 23 so what you need to do is see how many numbers each number is apart so it would be two. Now input and output numbers are very easy or very hard but the main idea of it is where you have a number then follow the steps it shows you and end with a new number. Now after telling you a bit about what i do let me explain why i’m the best maths teacher. Firstly whenever my students answer a question they get a lolly but if they answer it correctly they get two lollies. I also let my chosen students choose what to do sometimes but i like it too because that means no one for me to watch.

One thought on “Why Miss Thompson (Me) is the best teacher”

  1. This look awesome. I would love to be one of the students in your classroom, Miss Thompson, if I am 30 years younger. 🙂 Great job!

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