Tessellation/Geometry art

Have you done tessellation art before? Well today I will be telling you about my experience of doing it. First let me explain what tessellation/geometry art is. Tessellation is a shape or something that you duplicate on a piece of paper with no gaps or spaces. This term we have been practicing doing more art to display in our class while also using watercolors. Since tree plating was happening the same day as our art Wednesday, only a few people made this art but the next day everyone else made one. 


We all had a choice on what to do like making a fish with the help of a video or use some shapes to make our art. I wasn’t very interested in making an animal one so I decided to make one using hexagons and the steps were very simple. Firstly use the hexagon shape and trace around it on the whole page with no gaps or spaces. After everyone would finish tracing out their templates to create tessellation on the whole page we all went over the pencil in vivid to make it pop. The best part was watercolouring which was very fun and relaxing and ended up looking very cool once dried.`   


I think that this was very fun to do and also cool that we used math in art. I would definitely recommend doing this if you have the right material but if not you could try using something else. Someone’s artwork that I think was very cool is Chanel’s because she used the tesselation but she added her own cool touch which made it stand out more to me.


Equipment needed: 

  • Paint brushes
  • Water colors
  • Newspaper and paper towels 
  • Two cups of water
  • Vivid or permanent marker
  • Something u can use to trace around to use for the tessellation


  • Trace the shapes
  • Overliner with vivid
  • Color with watercolors
  • Let dry

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