

Today the kahu hapori went to Totara park, to learn about our guardians of the galaxy for the theme of our project. We spent most of our time at the park doing long bush walks and taking photos of the plants and trees that were there. We went to learn about our environment and our waterways. We used an app called seek to take photos and once we took the photo we could know all the details about the plant and trees. The Seek app is so easy to use it makes it so much more fun and easier to find out different types of thing about the plants. 

I was lots of cool things today when we were at Totara park, I was lots of different types of plants and types of fungi. We was a type of mushroom today and it was called vermilion waurap mushroom. I was a lots of types for trees that I haven’t seen before. We went to the farther part of Totara park. I also learnt more about nīkau palm, karaka, dicotes, rimu, silver fern, and more about the rangiora. It was a 7.5/10 rating for me. 

This week we went to botanical gardens. There were so many different things and plants there. I was very different from Totara park at the botanical garden. I had so many nice Fowlers . We got put into groups. I was in my teachers group miss rowland. I saw a lot of dicot plants and a lot of vascular trees. My favourite plant at the botanical garde was the camellias. They are so pretty and small like beauty. Overall I had a fantastic time at the botanical garden. I got to collaborate with people I don’t really know. It was a 8/10 rating for me.

2 replies on “Reflection”

Gurleen your reflection is really good! I like how you used colour coding to name each plant, and I like how you wrote a small description on each plant. Next time try write how you are feeling, which trip you liked more

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