Metamorphosis comprehension practice.
Tag Archives: Amphibians
Station #3: Marble and Foil Station Week 6 Term 3 STEAM
1.marble and foil task
Station #2 animated jumping frog Week 6 Term 3
Walt:create an animated jumping frog using keynote.
Frog life cycle spinner Week 6 Term 3 STEAM
Walt:design and make a frog life cycle spinner.
Kaitikitanga Week 3 , Term 3 STEAM
Unique NZ Reptiles and Amphibians
1. Fact file – Frogs
AI For Oceans
1. Hour of code
Kaitiakitanga Week 2 , Term 3 STEAM
- Amphibians Short Answer Quiz
- Amphibians Matching Traits- F=Frog T=Toad S=Salamanders
- Life Cycle of a Bullfrog